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Okay. William,
we've got a frozen pin.
Okay, guys, leave that
last panel for now.
What do you think?
We can't tell how bad
it is till we get in there.
You sure, man? You don't want to put
heat on there first?
- It just feels...
- the damage could spread.
What the hell is
going on out there?
Okay. I'm set.
Come on.
Shit! It snapped.
The panel snapped.
I ripped my glove.
It's okay. Andrei's okay.
We're tethered.
Andrei, do not attempt
to climb back in on your own.
- James?
- I see him, I see him.
I got him.
I'm going for him. Hang on.
- It's a small rip.
- Take it easy.
- Just relax big guy.
- Keep calm, Andrei.
I'm bleeding.
Save your oxygen.
He's losing air,
but he's got his hand on it.
I got you.
Oxygen pressure is dropping steadily.
You don't have much time.
James, listen to me.
His oxygen level
is red-lighting.
Get him back
inside the ship.
We're at the lock.
I'm coming in.
Stop, don't go in.
- Why?
- There's something on your suit.
It's hydrazine.
we've got a problem.
I've got hydrazine
on my suit.
It must have hit me
when we popped the panel.
He's covered in it.
It's everywhere.
- What can we do to decontaminate?
- We can't.
If we bring him in, the air on the ship
will become toxic.
Come on.
We should get him in the lock,
get a v-cam reading.
We can't. There'd be too much risk
of lingering contamination.
We gotta figure out
a way to get the suit clean.
It's not coming out.
I'm totally screwed.
Andrei, get in the lock. We need
to depressurize your suit now.
Then we'll figure out
how to get James in.
Come on, man, I got...
I've got 20 minutes of oxygen.
Is there no way
to get it clean?
- Andrei.
- I'm not going in.
I'll get you
out of the suit...
- What?
- Into the airlock.
You'll be out of the suit
less than two minutes.
- It's survivable.
- Is that even possible?
No. Andrei,
you're gonna black out.
James, he's fading.
You have to get him
in the lock.
totally - totalmente
think - pensar
there - há
tethered - amarrado
snapped - bateu
small - pequeno
should - devemos
screwed - parafusado
first - primeiro
minutes - minutos
fading - desbotando
coming - chegando
everywhere - em toda parte
dropping - caindo
steadily - de forma constante
contamination - contaminação
lighting - iluminação
could - poderia
level - nível
attempt - tentativa
losing - perdendo
popped - surgiu
feels - sente
glove - luva
become - tornar-se
clean - limpar \ limpo
black - preto
climb - escalar
going - indo
listen - ouço
spread - espalhar
andrei - andrei
gonna - vai
relax - relaxar
airlock - airlock
william - [object Object]
bleeding - sangramento
depressurize - despressurizar
covered - coberto
bring - trazer
damage - danificar
panel - painel
frozen - congeladas
survivable - sobrevivente
hydrazine - hidrazina
possible - possível
something - alguma coisa
inside - dentro
james - james
leave - sair
lingering - persistente
toxic - tóxico
decontaminate - descontaminar
oxygen - oxigênio
figure - figura
pressure - pressão
problem - problema
gotta - tenho que
reading - leitura
ripped - rasgado
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