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We open at 10.
Hi, hi, I'm looking for Barry.
What can I do for you?
I'm supposed to hopefully
start working here today.
Right, sorry.
- Hi.
- Sorry, come in.
- Cassidy.
- Alex.
I'm supposed to ask for Barry.
Yeah, that's my father.
He'll be out here in
a minute to act weird
and make you feel uncomfortable.
How much do you
know about the job?
I know that this
is your address
and that I was supposed
to be here at 10.
- I'm early that's good, right?
- Yeah.
Well, it's not complicated.
Basically we have to
take these stones,
and we get them to other shops in the
neighborhood as discretely as possible.
We used to use a big security firm,
but they kept getting robbed.
It was actually gangs of
Columbians who specialize in it,
so now we do what
they did 50 years ago.
We hire a pretty girl
that no one would suspect,
and she just puts
them in her pocket and...
takes them where
they need to go.
Well, that sounds dangerous.
It's not.
Well, what happens
if I get robbed?
Well, you just give
it to them right away.
Don't fight, we have insurance.
How do you know
you can trust me?
I don't, but we
have insurance.
- Hey, you must be val's daughter.
- Cassidy.
You're gonna be great. What
a beautiful girl you are.
Why thank you.
You know, you have
an amazing voice.
Have you ever considered
trying to do VOICEOVER work.
It's actually very lucrative.
Thanks but I have enough
disappointment in my life already.
One thing you can't
dress like that.
Like what?
You look like Stevie
nicks and everything
but that's not what I want.
Jeans, simple.
Okay, got it.
It's easy misdirection like the
magician at a kid's birthday party.
Get them look at the
little birdie up here
take their wallet
with the other...
working - trabalhando
weird - esquisito
wallet - carteira
trying - tentando
trust - confiar em
these - estes
their - deles
thanks - obrigado
thank - obrigado
supposed - suposto
uncomfortable - desconfortável
stones - pedras
would - seria
stevie - Stevie
start - começar
specialize - especializar-se
sorry - desculpa
shops - lojas
suspect - suspeito
security - segurança
years - anos
dangerous - perigoso
voiceover - VoiceOver
disappointment - desapontamento
early - cedo
cassidy - cassidy
dress - vestir
discretely - discretamente
address - endereço
robbed - roubado
jeans - jeans
neighborhood - vizinhança
amazing - surpreendente
other - de outros
about - sobre
where - onde
beautiful - bonita
sounds - soa
little - pequeno
minute - minuto
insurance - seguro
takes - leva
simple - simples
possible - possível
barry - Barry
considered - considerado
complicated - complicado
looking - olhando
already - já
actually - na realidade
voice - voz
lucrative - lucrativo
thing - coisa
daughter - filha
columbians - columbianos
everything - tudo
birthday - aniversário
father - pai
fight - luta
basically - basicamente
gangs - gangues
today - hoje
hopefully - esperançosamente
getting - obtendo
birdie - passarinho
gonna - vai
misdirection - direção errada
great - ótimo
enough - suficiente
happens - acontece
nicks - nicks
magician - mágico
party - festa
pocket - carteira
pretty - bonita
right - certo
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