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This scene, it's so funny!
I like laughing!
It's such a nice experience!
To laugh!
Sorry, do you mind going back?
This is first class.
It's nothing personal.
It's just that we're
better than you.
Hey, Maurice, I'm open! Hit me!
- He shoots, he scores!
- Is that Vivaldi?
- In-flight slave.
- Can I help you, Mr. Mankiewicz?
Bring me my nuts
on a silver platter.
We just wanted to check
on the drinks we ordered.
So sorry.
Been a little backed up.
I guess I'll go back to...
- Hey...
What happened to
your body?
You're freaking me out!
Can you please go over
there, please?
Thank you very much.
Whatever happened to
the separation of the classes?
I'm sure this whole
democracy thing is just a fad.
We'll go out for pineapple,
my little bobbly-headed
Skipper, look.
It looks like a small
incandescent bulb
designed to indicate
something out of the ordinary,
like a malfunction.
I find it pretty
and somewhat hypnotic.
That too, sir.
Right! Rico?
Problemo solved.
Sir, we may be
out of fuel.
What makes you think that?
- We've lost engine one...
...and engine two
is no longer on fire.
Buckle up, boys.
Don't look, doll.
This might get hairy.
Attention! This is
your captain speaking.
I've got good news and bad news.
The good news is,
we're be landing immediately.
The bad news is, we're crash-landing.
When it comes to air travel,
we know you have
no choice whatsoever.
But thanks again
for choosing Air Penguin.
Raise your arms, Maurice!
It's more fun when
you raise your arms like this!
I can fly!
This could be it, Marty!
I just want you to know
you are truly a
one-in-a-million friend!
Thanks, buddy!
You're the best ever!
I know you won't mind
when I tell you...
Go on! Tell me anything!
Tell me what?
I broke your iPod!
- What?!
The buttons were so small!
It made me mad!
- The horror!
- I'm sorry!
- I'm gonna kill you, butt-biter!
- It was an accident!
- An accident! I'm sorry!
- Butt-biter!
I love you, Gloria!
I always have!
Like you love the beach.
Or a good book.
Or the beach.
My goodness, doll,
you're shaking like a leaf.
Rico, you've had your fun.
Pull up.
Gear down.
Gently. Now you just want
to kiss the ground.
Just a little peck,
a smooch,
like you're kissing your sister.
I said, kiss it!
Now just a little brake.
Just a touch. A little whisper...
I believe
that's checkmate.
Commence emergency
landing procedure.
Flaps up! Deploy!
Oh, we're here.
whole - todo
whisper - sussurro
whatsoever - qualquer coisa
whatever - tanto faz
wanted - procurado
vivaldi - vivaldi
travel - viagem
touch - tocar
think - pensar
thank - obrigado
speaking - falando
thanks - obrigado
sorry - desculpa
somewhat - um pouco
something - alguma coisa
truly - verdadeiramente
solved - resolvido
gloria - gloria
gently - suavemente
believe - acreditam
freaking - freaking
flaps - abas
going - indo
engine - motor
drinks - bebidas
attention - atenção
buddy - camarada
crash - batida
commence - começar
landing - aterrissagem
separation - separação
million - milhão
deploy - implementar
right - certo
choosing - escolhendo
class - classe
choice - escolha
experience - experiência
accident - acidente
again - novamente
analysis - análise
bring - trazer
check - verifica
slave - escravo
little - pequeno
brake - freio
kissing - se beijando
there - há
comes - vem
checkmate - jaqueta
always - sempre
funny - engraçado
skipper - capitão
guess - acho
broke - quebrou
emergency - emergência
could - poderia
incandescent - incandescente
looks - parece
designed - projetado
classes - aulas
hairy - peludo
maurice - maurice
bobbly - bobbly
boobly - boobly
sister - irmã
anything - qualquer coisa
better - melhor
buttons - botões
backed - apoiado
hypnotic - هاز كليك إن أونا بالابرا o سيليتشيونا أونا إكسبريسيون بارا فير لا ترادوتشيون
gonna - vai
buckle - fivela
goodness - bondade
ground - chão
beach - de praia
happened - aconteceu
small - pequeno
headed - encabeçou
might - poderia
immediately - imediatamente
platter - prato
indicate - indicar
marty - marty
biter - biter
laugh - rir
laughing - rindo
shoots - dispara
flight - voar
longer - mais longo
makes - faz com que
scene - cena
captain - capitão
nothing - nada
ordered - ordenado
ordinary - comum
penguin - pinguim
personal - pessoal
pineapple - abacaxi
democracy - democracia
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