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Do you know I built a bridge once?
- Sorry?
- A bridge.
No, I didn't know that.
I was an engineer by trade.
It went from Dilles Bottom, Ohio,
to Moundsville, West Virginia.
It spanned 912 feet above the Ohio River.
12,100 people use this thing a day.
And it cut out 35 miles
of extra driving each way
between Wheeling and New Martinsville.
That's a combined 847,000 miles
of driving a day.
Or 25,410,000 miles a month.
And 304,920,000 miles a year saved.
Now, I completed that project in 1986.
That's 22 years ago.
So over the life of that one bridge,
that's 6,708,240,000 miles that
haven't had to be driven at...
What? Let's say 50 miles an hour.
So that's what? That's
134,164,800 hours.
Or 559,020 days.
So that one little bridge
has saved the people
of those two communities a combined
1,531 years of their lives
not wasted in a fucking car.
- 1,531 years.
- Jesus.
Well, I guess you better get back over there.
- Thanks for coming by.
- You're welcome.
Who the fuck is this?
Well, I would imagine it's the firm's people.
They don't want any loose ends.
They fired me. Fuck them. Fuck them.
I totally agree. Fuck them.
So come back, take the money,
you'll be home by 5:00.
Otherwise, they're going to
fight you on everything.
They're going to fight you
on your package, your options, everything.
Be smart.
Well, you're a better man than me.
- That's always been true.
- Yes, it has.
- House looks good.
- Thanks.
Hey, Eric.
Don't beat yourself up too much
about this stuff, all right?
Some people like driving
the long way home.
Who the fuck knows, right?
yourself - você mesmo
would - seria
wheeling - rodando
welcome - bem vinda
wasted - desperdiçado
thing - coisa
there - há
those - essa
their - deles
virginia - Virgínia
spanned - abrangido
sorry - desculpa
smart - inteligente
fight - luta
trade - comércio
river - rio
driven - dirigido
bridge - ponte
dilles - martinsville
years - anos
fired - disparamos
completed - completado
combined - combinado
everything - tudo
coming - chegando
built - construído
agree - aceita
about - sobre
otherwise - de outra forma
between - entre
miles - milhas
extra - extra
project - projeto
engineer - engenheiro
communities - comunidades
house - casa
above - acima
better - melhor
lives - vidas
always - sempre
driving - dirigindo
going - indo
stuff - coisa
guess - acho
hours - horas
imagine - imagine
totally - totalmente
saved - salvou
thanks - obrigado
jesus - Jesus
money - dinheiro
knows - sabe
right - certo
little - pequeno
month - mês
package - pacote
bottom - inferior
people - pessoas
looks - parece
loose - solto
fucking - fodendo
martinsville - martinsville
moundsville - moundsville
options - Opções
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