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Começar a aprender
- A life without love? That's terrible!
- No.
Being on the
street, that's terrible.
- No. Love is like oxygen.
- What?
Love is a many-splendored thing.
Love lifts us up where we belong.
All you need is love.
Please don't start that again.
All you need is love
A girl has got to eat.
- All you need is love
- Or she'll end up on the streets.
All you need is love
Love is just a game
I was made for loving you, baby
You were made for loving me
The only way of loving me, baby
Is to pay a lovely fee
Just one night
Just one night
There's no way
'Cause you can't pay
In the name of love
One night in the name of love
You crazy fool
I won't give in to you
Don't leave me this way
I can't survive
Without your sweet love. Oh, baby
Don't leave me this way
You'd think that people
Would have had enough
Of silly love songs
I look around me and l see
It isn't so
Some people want to fill the world
With silly love songs
Well, what's wrong with that?
I'd like to know
'Cause here I go again
Love lifts us up
where we belong
Get down! Get down!
Where eagles fly
On a mountain high
Love makes us act like we are fools
Throw our lives away
For one happy day
We could be heroes
wrong - errado
world - mundo
throw - lançar
think - pensar
thing - coisa
terrible - terrivel
survive - sobreviver
street - rua
splendored - esplêndido
songs - músicas
happy - feliz
being - ser
sweet - doce
fools - tolos
would - seria
lives - vidas
eagles - águias
enough - suficiente
without - sem
again - novamente
crazy - louco
where - onde
loving - amoroso
oxygen - oxigênio
around - por aí
belong - pertencer
silly - boba
heroes - heróis
lifts - elevadores
leave - sair
streets - ruas
lovely - adorável
night - noite
makes - faz com que
start - começar
mountain - montanha
could - poderia
people - pessoas
please - por favor
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