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Hello, Peter. What's happening?
We have sort of a problem here.
Yeah. You apparently didn't put one of the
new cover sheets on your T.P.S. Reports.
Oh, yeah. I'm sorry about that.
I... I forgot.
Yeah. You see, we're putting the cover
sheets on all T.P.S. Reports
now before they go out.
Did you see the memo about this?
Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I have the memo
right here. I just forgot...
but, it's not shipping out
till tomorrow so there's no problem.
Yeah. If you could just go ahead make
sure you do that from now on
that would be great.
And I go ahead make sure you get
another copy of that memo, okay?
Yeah. No. I.. I... I have the memo.
I've got it. It's right...
Milton? Hi.
Could you turn that
down just a little bit?
But I... I was told that
I could listen...
to the radio at a reasonable volume
from 9:00 to 11:00...
Yeah. No, no. I know
you're allowed to.
I was just thinking
maybe like a, you know, personal favor.
Well, I... I... I told Bill that
if... if Sandra's going to...
listen to her headphones
while she's... while she's filing...
then I should be able to listen
to the radio while I'm collating,
so I don't see why I should
have to turn down the radio.
- Yeah. All right. Okay.- I enjoy listening at a reasonable volume...
Hi, Peter. What's happening?
We need to talk
about your T.P.S. Reports.
Yeah. The cover sheet. I know.
I know.
Bill talked to me about it.
Yeah. Did you get that memo?
Yeah, I got the memo,
and I understand the policy...
and the problem is just
that I forgot for one time...
and I've already taken care of it so
it's not even really a problem anymore.
Yeah. It's just we're putting new cover
sheets on all the T.P.S. Reports
before they go out now...
so if you go ahead try to remember
to do that from now on,
that'd be great. All right!
would - seria
understand - compreendo
listen - ouço
going - indo
tomorrow - amanhã
great - ótimo
favor - favor
shipping - Remessa
allowed - permitido
radio - rádio
while - enquanto
enjoy - apreciar
another - outro
collating - agrupando
happening - acontecendo
really - realmente
remember - lembrar
about - sobre
anymore - não mais
listening - ouvindo
should - devemos
hello - Olá
headphones - fones de ouvido
forgot - esqueceu
already - já
cover - tampa
reasonable - razoável
apparently - pelo visto
maybe - talvez
sorry - desculpa
could - poderia
little - pequeno
milton - milton
taken - ocupado
personal - pessoal
before - antes
peter - pedro
volume - volume
sheet - folha
sheets - folhas
policy - política
problem - problema
reports - relatórios
putting - colocando
right - certo
talked - falou
filing - arquivamento
ahead - adiante
thanks - obrigado
thinking - pensando
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