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Ray - Stealing From Ray (Pt)

Cena do filme Ray
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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    script de vídeo
    palavras para memorizar

    Ray, you're the leader, man.
    Be one! Come on, now.

    You know what Jeff, I mean
    things have changed, man.

    It ain't like the days when it was
    seven of us on the Chitlin' Circuit.

    I mean, if you weren't busy
    building a bowling alley, you'd seen that.

    So you know about that, huh?

    I know about everything.

    I'm just trying to figure out
    how you did it.

    You think
    I'm stealing from you, Ray?

    If the Shaw Agency is gonna give
    you a cut of the 10 percent that I'm given.

    I might as well keep
    the goddamn money in my pocket.

    Leave us alone.
    We need to talk.

    - Ray.
    - You can step outside, Joe.

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