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Ray, you're the leader, man.
Be one! Come on, now.
You know what Jeff, I mean
things have changed, man.
It ain't like the days when it was
seven of us on the Chitlin' Circuit.
I mean, if you weren't busy
building a bowling alley, you'd seen that.
So you know about that, huh?
I know about everything.
I'm just trying to figure out
how you did it.
You think
I'm stealing from you, Ray?
If the Shaw Agency is gonna give
you a cut of the 10 percent that I'm given.
I might as well keep
the goddamn money in my pocket.
Leave us alone.
We need to talk.
- Ray.
- You can step outside, Joe.
I'll be in my office.
Ray, now I know that jealous bastard
planted that lie in your head.
But I have never stolen
from you, Ray, and I never will.
I got myself a small business
loan, and, yeah,
Milt Shaw was giving me a little
extra, but I'm not a thief, Ray.
Then what about that, Jeff, huh?
A promoter swearing that you did
side deals with him so you could split my overages!
How could you do that to me?
You know what, Ray?
If we were like brothers,
why are you paying Joe
more than you're paying me?
Damn all that!
You broke my heart, man.
Well, you know what, Ray?
You broke mine a long goddamn time ago!
Well, then there it is.
You know something, Ray?
You're going to get yours
one day.
And I pray to God that he
has mercy on your soul, you son of a bitch!
trying - tentando
think - pensar
things - coisas
yours - sua
there - há
stolen - roubado
going - indo
gonna - vai
giving - dando
given - dado
extra - extra
overages - excedentes
never - nunca
goddamn - maldito
bastard - desgraçado
deals - promoções
brothers - irmãos
leave - sair
alley - beco
circuit - o circuito
could - poderia
little - pequeno
alone - sozinho
thief - ladrao
seven - sete
something - alguma coisa
bitch - cadela
business - o negócio
jealous - com ciumes
agency - agência
about - sobre
bowling - boliche
figure - figura
office - escritório
changed - mudou
split - dividido
pocket - carteira
broke - quebrou
building - construção
heart - coração
outside - lado de fora
might - poderia
mercy - misericórdia
money - dinheiro
everything - tudo
myself - eu mesmo
paying - pagando
swearing - jurando
stealing - roubando
percent - por cento
leader - líder
planted - plantado
promoter - promotor
small - pequeno
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