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He didn't tell you.
He looted Isaac's office.
He and the other employees.
My Morteza?
- I was there, I saw it. - You misunderstood.
He said they were moving the goods somewhere else for safekeeping,
but I know better.
You know better?
What is it that you see it always right?
Is it possible you choose to see what you want?
- I saw what I saw. - You saw what you saw.
You're a kind woman, Farnaz-khanoum,
but you're full of scorn.
When I tell you maybe one day my little nephew will marry your Shirin,
do you think I'm serious?
I say these things as a joke.
I know that you will never tell me how you really feel,
so you say nothing or you smile!
I am telling you what I saw.
I saw your son and the other employees
taking jewels, paintings, tables, chairs!
And when I confronted him,
he said that Isaac had to pay
for the sins of a whole collection of men.
- He said this? - Yes.
Well, maybe Amin-agha should pay.
Maybe it's time someone paid.
Isaac has never harmed anybody,
least of all you and your son.
He does not have to pay.
Why is it that some people were meant to be served on hand and foot,
and all what the others could hope for was washing toilets?
You think Isaac was born a prince?
No, Habibeh, the money didn't fall from the sky.
You work hard, you do well.
I work hard. My son works hard.
And you have come a long way from where you have started.
Do I need to remind you of the way you lived when we met you,
you and your snot-nosed son
selling flowers on a street corner?!
You were so emaciated that you fainted!
We got out of the car and Isaac said to me:
"Isn't there something we can do to help these people?"
And we took you in.
Now, you tell me...
is this what my husband has to pay for?
whole - todo
where - onde
washing - lavando
these - estes
there - há
telling - dizendo
tables - tabelas
street - rua
something - alguma coisa
smile - sorrir
should - devemos
serious - grave
selling - vendendo
scorn - desprezo
possible - possível
think - pensar
isaac - isaac
shirin - shirin
right - certo
habibeh - habibeh
confronted - confrontado
safekeeping - guarda
farnaz - farnaz
other - de outros
flowers - flores
fainted - desmaiou
chairs - cadeiras
employees - empregados
money - dinheiro
choose - escolher
emaciated - emaciado
prince - principe
least - pelo menos
always - sempre
toilets - banheiros
could - poderia
things - coisas
started - começado
people - pessoas
goods - bens
anybody - qualquer pessoa
lived - vivia
someone - alguém
looted - saqueado
khanoum - khanoum
marry - casar
paintings - pinturas
served - servido
maybe - talvez
really - realmente
meant - significava
taking - levando
misunderstood - incompreendido
husband - marido
harmed - prejudicado
better - melhor
collection - coleção
morteza - morteza
works - trabalho
jewels - jóias
moving - movendo-se
nephew - sobrinho
little - pequeno
others - outras
never - nunca
nosed - cheirou
nothing - nada
corner - canto
office - escritório
woman - Mulher
somewhere - algum lugar
remind - lembrar
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