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Sex Tape - Who Else Has These Things? (Pt)

Cena do filme Sex Tape - O Nosso Vídeo Proibido
  • 00:00 / 00:00

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    -decrease subtitles
    -pause the movie
    -translate word

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    Começar a aprender

    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    script de vídeo
    palavras para memorizar

    So what you're saying is...

    that instead of erasing the video
    like you said that you would,

    you actually ended up
    sending it

    to everyone that you ever given
    one of those fucking iPads to?

    - That is not at all what happened.
    - No?

    Well, technically, yes!
    It's exactly what happened.

    But it was so accidental,
    it doesn't even qualify as...

    Thank you.

    Hank Rosenbaum!

    - What?
    - The Piper Brothers guy!

    - You gave him one?
    - Yes! I told you I needed one for work.

    I put my entire
    presentation on it.

    Clique numa palavra ou selecione uma expressão para ver a tradução


    Clique no "mais" para adicionar a palavra ou expressão para aprender
