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I look in your eyes
and I see a Capricorn.
You're a Capricorn, right?
I can look at a girl
and I know their sign.
It's just something I do.
- Look, I hope I'm not disrespecting you, right?
- Uh-uh. Not at all.
Lonzo coming, man.
- No, no, no, no. "Weak at the Knees."
- Huh?
- "Weak at the Knees."
- Oh.
Hey. I'm gonna go outside,
make sure nothing's poppin' off, right?
I want you to keep
these fat asses shakin'.
Don't play none of that
street-ass rap shit, all right?
I want these motherfuckers
thinkin' about pussy, not pistols.
- Yella!
- I saw you talking to my lady, man.
Keep your motherfuckin'
hands to yourself.
All right.
Man, why you always fuckin'
with Lonzo's girl, man?
Why not?
Can't be afraid of a grown
man in high heels, Dre.
Cube, you up.
Hey, yo, Compton!
I got my little homey!
He 'bout to come and bust
a little rhyme for y'all.
I want y'all to give it up
for Ice-motherfuckin'-Cube!
Here's a little somethin'
'bout a nigga like me
Never shoulda been
let out the penitentiary
Ice Cube would like to say
That I'm a crazy muthafucka
from around the way
Since I was a youth,
I smoked weed out
Now I'm the muthafucka
that you read about
Takin' a life or two
That's what the hell I do
You don't like how I'm livin'?
Well, fuck you
This is a gang
and I'm in it
My man Dre'll fuck you up
in a minute
With a right, left,
right, left you're toothless
And then you say
goddamn, they ruthless
Everywhere we go
they say "Damn!"
Ice Cube
fuckin' up the program
And then you realize
we don't care
We don't just say no
We too busy sayin' yeah
About drinkin' straight
out the eight bottle
Do I look like
a muthafuckin' role model?
To a kid lookin' up to me
Life ain't nothin'
but bitches and money
'Cause I'm the type of nigga
that's built to last
If you fuck with me
I'll put my foot in your ass
I don't give a fuck
'cause I keep bailin'
Yo, what the fuck
are they yellin'?
yourself - você mesmo
would - seria
toothless - desdentado
knees - joelhos
bitches - cadelas
hands - mãos
gonna - vai
homey - caseiro
goddamn - maldito
pistols - pistolas
their - deles
everywhere - em toda parte
grown - crescido
eight - oito
yella - yella
straight - direto
rhyme - rima
model - modelo
disrespecting - desrespeitado
crazy - louco
capricorn - Capricórnio
built - construído
around - por aí
talking - falando
about - sobre
always - sempre
bottle - garrafa
since - desde a
asses - burro
compton - compton
these - estes
muthafucka - muthafucka
minute - minuto
little - pequeno
money - dinheiro
coming - chegando
motherfuckers - filhos da puta
nigga - nigga
afraid - receoso
never - nunca
outside - lado de fora
program - programa
something - alguma coisa
pussy - bichano
heels - calcanhares
street - rua
realize - perceber
youth - juventude
right - certo
ruthless - cruel
shoulda - shoulda
penitentiary - penitenciária
smoked - defumado
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