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- I thought he was a really nice guy.
Jimmy Olsen was fantastic. - Hey!
Come here. Come on, come on. Get in here.
Hurry up. Come on.
Clark, I think we'd
better get out of here.
I think we'd better
do what he says, Lois.
- Come on, come on. Get in here, quick.
- Don't do anything. - That's it.
- All right, we're coming. We're coming.
- Come on!
- Go on, back there.
- Here? - Yeah, yeah.
Please don't point that at me, sir.
- You could hurt somebody with that.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Okay, okay, hold it there.
- Just a minute, mister.
You know, I realize of course that times
are tough for some these days...
...but this isn't the answer.
You can't solve society's problems
with a gun.
You know something, buddy? You're
right. I'm gonna turn over a new leaf.
Good for you, sir. That's the spirit. See,
he doesn't really want to hurt anybody.
- Right after I rip off this lady's purse.
- Of course.
Now come on, lady, hand it over.
Lois, I think maybe you better...
Lois, what are you doing?
Clark! Clark.
Clark, are you all right? Clark!
What happened?
I guess I must have fainted.
- You fainted?
- Sorry.
Oh, really, Lois, supposing that man
had shot you?
Is it worth risking your life over $10, two
credit cards, a hairbrush, and lipstick?
- How'd you know that?
- Know what?
You just described the exact contents
of my purse.
Um, wild guess.
times - vezes
thought - pensamento
hairbrush - escova para cabelo
guess - acho
gonna - vai
quick - rápido
think - pensar
fantastic - fantástico
fainted - desmaiou
worth - que vale a pena
doing - fazendo
clark - clark
credit - crédito
maybe - talvez
point - ponto
sorry - desculpa
described - descrito
course - curso
anybody - qualquer pessoa
anything - qualquer coisa
happened - aconteceu
please - por favor
spirit - espírito
answer - responda
after - depois de
exact - exato
could - poderia
buddy - camarada
cards - cartões
coming - chegando
solve - resolver
hurry - pressa
problems - problemas
lipstick - batom
tough - resistente
there - há
risking - arriscando
minute - minuto
mister - senhor
swell - inchar
these - estes
olsen - Olsen
purse - bolsa
realize - perceber
better - melhor
supposing - supondo
contents - conteúdo
jimmy - jimmy
really - realmente
right - certo
somebody - alguém
something - alguma coisa
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