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One time on The Untouchables,
Robert Stack shot
a wall safe open.
You think that would work?
Do I look like
I even have a gun?
Just saying... What if?
I've been out of prison
for a fucking day.
- Where would I get a gun?
- I don't know.
I've been out for three
days, don't look at me.
It would probably just bend
the fucking metal anyway.
Unless you blew
the lock clean off.
That'd be pretty fucking cool.
What the hell,
it's worth a shot.
Ray... I knew you would...
Turn the TV volume
all the way up.
- You can't shoot...
- Shit!
I didn't blow it clean off.
You told me you
didn't have a gun.
How the fuck am I gonna
get into it now?
Where did you get
the gun from?
Ray, the gun... Where
did you get the gun?
Fucking Bev gave it to me.
She gave you that.
There better be something good
in here, Tell, seriously.
Ray, it's a safe.
You keep money, jewels,
important stuff in safes!
Shit, that worked.
It's just a bunch of
fucking tax papers, man.
What the fuck is this shit?
What is that?
I was asking myself.
- I'm keeping this shit.
- Okay.
Yeah, it's mine.
Thank you.
Oh, oh, one... One more thing.
This is for the bank shit.
worth - que vale a pena
worked - trabalhou
volume - volume
untouchables - intocáveis
thing - coisa
there - há
thank - obrigado
stuff - coisa
stack - pilha
where - onde
keeping - guardando
seriously - a sério
fucking - fodendo
anyway - de qualquer forma
asking - perguntando
gonna - vai
prison - prisão
clean - limpar \ limpo
money - dinheiro
probably - provavelmente
myself - eu mesmo
robert - robert
bunch - grupo
papers - papéis
jewels - jóias
metal - metal
pretty - bonita
think - pensar
something - alguma coisa
safes - cofres
would - seria
unless - a menos que
better - melhor
saying - dizendo
three - três
important - importante
shoot - atirar
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