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- Heard you got a job.
- That's right.
- Who the hell are they?
- They're with me.
But we're not?
Gunner, I told you everything I
had to tell you back at the bar.
Stop drinking so much.
You wanna get yourself killed.
With those youngsters?
Do us all a favor and
get the hell outta here.
Wheels up in 10.
Come on.
If your guys wanted to fight,
why didn't they just get married?
You're seriously smoking
next to aviation fuel?
- Amateur.
- Amateur assholes.
Who are you calling asshole, Grandpa?
Grandpa's about to
crush your windpipe.
What's this? Your toy? Boy?
- You wanna dance, big guy?
- Hey!
It's just a job.
Come on, let's go.
Bunch of has-beens
still trying to be hard.
You're young and you're dumb.
Keep it. You're gonna need it.
youngsters - jovens
young - jovem
windpipe - traquéia
wheels - rodas
trying - tentando
those - essa
still - ainda
wanted - procurado
smoking - fumando
seriously - a sério
dance - dança
crush - a paixão súbita
gonna - vai
bunch - grupo
beens - beens
about - sobre
amateur - amador
asshole - idiota
yourself - você mesmo
everything - tudo
right - certo
drinking - bebendo
favor - favor
aviation - aviação
grandpa - vovô
wanna - quero
assholes - assholes
fight - luta
gunner - artilheiro
heard - ouviu
killed - morto
calling - ligando
married - casado
outta - outta
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