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The Expendables 3 - Old vs. New (Pt)

Cena do filme Os Mercenários 3
  • 00:00 / 00:00

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    Começar a aprender

    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    script de vídeo
    palavras para memorizar

    - Heard you got a job.
    - That's right.

    - Who the hell are they?
    - They're with me.

    But we're not?

    Gunner, I told you everything I
    had to tell you back at the bar.

    Stop drinking so much.

    You wanna get yourself killed.
    With those youngsters?

    Do us all a favor and
    get the hell outta here.

    Wheels up in 10.

    Come on.

    If your guys wanted to fight,
    why didn't they just get married?

    You're seriously smoking
    next to aviation fuel?

    - Amateur.
    - Amateur assholes.

    Clique numa palavra ou selecione uma expressão para ver a tradução


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