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Honestly, Andy, I fell in love with
him kind of instantly.
- He lived in Manhattan, too.
- Mmm-hmm.
And so we came back and we started
seeing each other.
He didn't want anything serious,
but I was just caught up with this...
- Oh, the passion of it all!
- Oh.
Andy, we were so passionate.
Feel free to skim over those details as
much as you want. - I won't gross you out.
Yeah. That's cool.
I mean, he didn't want to be serious,
really, at the time.
But I wanted a family, I wanted a baby.
That's all I ever really wanted.
And so, eventually,
your father came along.
What about the guy from...
you met in Florida?
Well, he became boyfriend number one
and your dad became boyfriend number two.
- No, honey...
- That's nasty!
It was a trampy year for Mommy.
- Oh!
- Please. Anyway...
- Why are you telling me this?
Your father proposed within,
like, a month, I think.
So I went to the boy and I said, you know,
"I met somebody and he wants to marry me,
hoping that he would say,
"Joyce, you cannot do that."
you know, "You cannot marry this guy!"
But he didn't say that.
You know what he actually said?
He said, "You're great."
But he told me to marry your father.
Oh, God.
I was so devastated.
I was so devastated that
I couldn't even see him again.
Well, what happened?
What happened? I married your father,
we moved, I got pregnant, and...
When we found out it was a boy, you know,
I started going through names,
as people do, and...
You want your child to remind
you of someone you love... loved!
And so...
I named you Andy after
the boy from Florida.
trampy - trampy
those - essa
wants - quer
think - pensar
within - dentro
telling - dizendo
somebody - alguém
really - realmente
proposed - proposto
florida - florida
became - passou a ser
through - através
gross - bruto
family - família
honestly - honestamente
details - detalhes
anyway - de qualquer forma
remind - lembrar
caught - apanhado
after - depois de
father - pai
someone - alguém
pregnant - grávida
actually - na realidade
devastated - devastado
named - nomeado
child - criança
again - novamente
seeing - vendo
anything - qualquer coisa
happened - aconteceu
wanted - procurado
going - indo
moved - se mudou
please - por favor
found - encontrado
marry - casar
cannot - não podes
great - ótimo
number - número
eventually - eventualmente
serious - grave
along - ao longo
other - de outros
about - sobre
passionate - apaixonado
boyfriend - namorado
honey - mel
hoping - na esperança
joyce - Joyce
lived - vivia
instantly - imediatamente
manhattan - manhattan
loved - amado
married - casado
would - seria
mommy - mamãe
month - mês
started - começado
people - pessoas
passion - paixão
names - nomes
nasty - desagradável
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