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The Guilt Trip - I Named You After Him (Pt)

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    Começar a aprender

    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    script de vídeo
    palavras para memorizar

    Honestly, Andy, I fell in love with
    kind of instantly.


    - He lived in Manhattan, too.
    - Mmm-hmm.

    And so we came back and we started
    seeing each other.

    He didn't want anything serious,
    but I was just caught up with this...

    - Oh, the passion of it all!
    - Oh.

    Andy, we were so passionate.

    Feel free to skim over those details as
    much as you want. - I won't gross you out.

    Yeah. That's cool.

    I mean, he didn't want to be serious,
    really, at the time.

    But I wanted a family, I wanted a baby.
    That's all I ever really wanted.

    And so, eventually,
    your father came along.

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