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Here we've got some
venison meat pie.
And in the far corner
we have some venison marrow.
And here we have some
forest-foraged vegetables,
which I foraged myself.
So, enjoy.
And, honestly? Eat as much
as you guys want.
I have three deer
hanging in my garage.
So, there's plenty
of meat to go around.
Oh, my gosh! How rude of me.
Can I get anyone
some more meat?
I've been collecting
the honey myself.
Tom has become something
of an amateur beekeeper.
It's just at the right stage
of fermentation. Oh! Here you go.
Drink as much as you like.
I feel like I'm drinking
out of Chewbacca's dick.
That's just honey, huh?
That's really...
It's hurting my teeth.
So, we're having a boy.
So we're done, that's it.
Oh, I knew it! You were boobing
out when you came in
That is so exciting
for you guys.
I couldn't be
happier for you guys.
I'm not sure that
I ever wanna have kids.
What is it?
I thought you had always
wanted kids. That's silly.
You know, sometimes the biggest
balls are the ones left unused.
What the fuck did you just say?
I don't know.
It's, it's an expression.
Do you know what?
I have an idea.
Tom and I are going to
take care of Vanessa tonight.
You two are gonna go out, and I will
prove to you how fun children are, okay?
Yeah, I don't want Vanessa
to take part in one of her
psychological experiments.
It's not an experiment.
Yes, I am fine doing that.
I need a night out.
Alex, I do.
I just don't understand.
He looks like a drifter.
I don't care if he's a psycho.
You go out every night!
I never go out.
Okay, I can hear you.
Do this for me. Do this for me.
When we come back, she'll be
hanging on a hook in the garage.
- Come on. No.
- I'm telling you.
Well, ifs decided.
We're going out!
- We're doing it.
- Yeah.
It's going to be fun.
which - qual
wanna - quero
vanessa - vanessa
understand - compreendo
tonight - esta noite
stage - etapa
sometimes - as vezes
something - alguma coisa
silly - boba
telling - dizendo
experiment - experimentar
venison - carne de veado
thought - pensamento
decided - decidiu
drinking - bebendo
experiments - experiências
doing - fazendo
forest - floresta
garage - garagem
drink - beber
having - tendo
really - realmente
collecting - coletando
drifter - vagabundo
plenty - abundância
around - por aí
three - três
enjoy - apreciar
anyone - alguém
vegetables - legumes
boobing - boobing
become - tornar-se
amateur - amador
beekeeper - apicultor
hanging - suspensão
always - sempre
unused - não utilizado
teeth - dentes
night - noite
biggest - maior
children - crianças
fermentation - fermentação
prove - provar
foraged - forrageado
wanted - procurado
going - indo
gonna - vai
happier - mais feliz
corner - canto
honey - mel
exciting - emocionante
psychological - psicológico
balls - bolas
honestly - honestamente
hurting - machucando
looks - parece
marrow - medula
every - cada
expression - expressão
myself - eu mesmo
never - nunca
psycho - psicopata
right - certo
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