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The Five-Year Engagement - Chewbacca's Cup (Pt)

Cena do filme Espera Aí... Que Já Casamos
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    Começar a aprender

    Categoria: Comedy
    script de vídeo
    palavras para memorizar

    Here we've got some
    venison meat pie.

    And in the far corner
    we have some venison marrow.

    And here we have some
    forest-foraged vegetables,

    which I foraged myself.
    So, enjoy.

    And, honestly? Eat as much
    as you guys want.

    I have three deer
    hanging in my garage.

    So, there's plenty
    of meat to go around.

    Oh, my gosh! How rude of me.

    Can I get anyone
    some more meat?

    I've been collecting
    the honey myself.

    Tom has become something
    of an amateur beekeeper.

    It's just at the right stage
    of fermentation. Oh! Here you go.

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