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To begin with,
this case should never
have come to trial.
The State has not produced one iota...
of medical evidence...
that the crime Tom Robinson is
charged with... ever took place.
lt has relied, instead, upon the
testimony of two witnesses...
whose evidence has not only been
called into serious question...
on cross-examination,
but has been flatly contradicted
by the defendant.
There is circumstantial evidence
to indicate that...
Mayella Ewell
was beaten savagely...
by someone who led,
almost exclusively, with his left.
And Tom Robinson now sits before you
having taken the oath...
with the only good hand
he possesses, his right.
l have nothing but pity
in my heart...
for the chief witness
for the State.
She is the victim
of cruel poverty and ignorance.
But my pity... does
not extend so far...
as to her putting
a man's life at stake,
which she has done in an effort
to get rid of her own guilt.
Now l say ''guilt,'' gentlemen,
because it was guilt
that motivated her.
She's committed no crime.
She has merely broken
a rigid and time-honored...
code of our society--
a code so severe that whoever breaks it
is hounded from our midst...
as unfit to live with.
She must destroy the evidence...
of her offense.
But what was the evidence
of her offense ?
Tom Robinson, a human being.
She must put Tom Robinson
away from her.
Tom Robinson was to her a daily reminder...
of what she did.
Now, what did she do ?
She tempted a Negro.
witnesses - testemunhas
which - qual
unfit - impróprio
testimony - testemunho
tempted - tentado
taken - ocupado
society - sociedade
should - devemos
trial - tentativas
serious - grave
savagely - salvajemente
rigid - rígido
relied - confiou
there - há
question - questão
poverty - pobreza
possesses - possui
place - lugar, colocar
evidence - evidência
robinson - Robinson
daily - diariamente
beaten - espancado
medical - médico
right - certo
putting - colocando
crime - crime
circumstantial - circunstancial
extend - ampliar
chief - chefe
victim - vítima
contradicted - contradizido
begin - início
stake - estaca
effort - esforço
cross - cruz
charged - carregada
witness - testemunha
called - chamado
before - antes
motivated - motivado
almost - quase
merely - apenas
because - porque
committed - comprometido
someone - alguém
defendant - réu
breaks - rompe
ewell - ewell
offense - ofensa
examination - exame
produced - produzido
instead - em vez de
whose - de quem
exclusively - exclusivamente
flatly - sem rodeios
gentlemen - cavalheiros
guilt - culpa
having - tendo
heart - coração
cruel - cruel
honored - honrado
hounded - perseguido
broken - partido
never - nunca
whoever - quem quer que seja
state - estado
human - humano
ignorance - ignorância
reminder - lembrete
destroy - destruir
indicate - indicar
mayella - mayella
negro - negro
severe - grave
being - ser
midst - meio
nothing - nada
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