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- Say, Will?
- Yeah?
That was the first one.
First one what?
First one I ever killed.
You know how I said I shot five men?
It weren't true.
That Mexican, who came out
with the knife?
I just busted his leg with a shovel.
I didn't kill him or nothing.
Wellm you sure killed
the hell out of that fellow today.
Hell, yeah!
I killed the hell out of him, didn't l?
Three shots and he was taking a shit.
Take a drink, Kid.
Jesus Christ!
It don't seem real.
How he ain't gonna
never breathe again, ever.
How he's dead. And
the other one too.
On account of pulling a trigger.
It's a hell of a thing, killing a man.
You take away all he's got...
and all he's ever gonna have.
Oh, I guess they had it coming.
We all have it coming, Kid.
wellm - bem
trigger - desencadear
three - três
thing - coisa
taking - levando
first - primeiro
fellow - companheiro
drink - beber
christ - Cristo
coming - chegando
account - conta
mexican - mexicano
busted - quebrado
today - hoje
jesus - Jesus
again - novamente
gonna - vai
guess - acho
nothing - nada
breathe - respirar
killed - morto
killing - matando
knife - faca
never - nunca
other - de outros
pulling - puxar
shots - tiros
shovel - pá
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