I am still without devotion

Because we're all asleep at the wheel

Asleep and so surrounded by what we feel

Of that dream...

On a rope, and pulled through the ocean

With my heart, I'm lost out at sea

And every kind of thought screams misery, so lonely

I'm a johnny come lately, but I will not give up

And the words that escape me, that I'm full of dumb luck

And the world is an oyster with a poisonous shell

And the look in my eye, is a look that can kill

I am not without emotion

I have read, from the pain of my will

From the method I hunt, and the catch, and the thrill

And I'm ill

words - слова
without - без
johnny - Джонни
emotion - эмоция
poisonous - ядовитый
known - известен
whatever - без разницы
commands - команды
closer - ближе
leave - оставлять
because - потому как
every - каждый
asleep - спящий
heart - сердце
tunnels - туннели
believe - верить
ocean - океан
calls - звонки
catch - поймать
escape - побег
hands - руки
world - мир
dream - мечта
river - река
circles - круги
front - фронт
angels - ангелы
airwaves - радиоволны
clasp - застежка
thrill - возбуждение
light - легкий
wheel - колесо
misery - нищета
surrounded - окруженный
lonely - одинокий
lyrics - текст песни
lately - в последнее время
shell - оболочка
thank - спасибо
method - метод
oyster - устрица
devotion - преданность
pulled - вытащил
screams - крики
speak - говорить
still - все еще
thought - думал
little - немного
through - через

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