It's a god-awful small affair

To the girl with the mousy hair

But her mother is yelling ''No''

And her daddy has told her to go

But her friend is nowhere to be seen

As she walks through her sunken dream

To the seat with the clearest view

And she's hooked to the silver screen

But the film is a saddening bore For she's lived it ten times or more

She could spit in the eyes of fools

As they ask her to focus on…

Sailors fighting in the dance hall

Oh man! Look at those cavemen go

It's the freakiest show,

Take a look at the Lawman

wrote - писал
wrong - неправильно
walks - прогулки
again - еще раз
grown - взрослый
lawman - судебный исполнитель
nowhere - нигде
dream - мечта
wonder - задаваться вопросом
daddy - папа
could - мог
clearest - ясный
clowns - клоуны
awful - ужасный
affair - дело
beating - битье
cavemen - пещерный
bounds - оценки
fighting - борьба
focus - фокус
before - до
freakiest - извращение
dance - танец
broads - бабах
hordes - полчища
lived - жил
mouse - мышь
friend - друг
tortured - пытают
mickey - микки
million - миллиона
about - около
struck - пораженный
workers - рабочие
hooked - зацепили
mother - мама
mousy - мышонок
norfolk - Норфолк
saddening - опечалило
sailors - матросы
screen - экран
there - там
yelling - вопящий
selling - продажа
small - маленький
silver - серебряный
sunken - затопленный
times - раз
their - их
those - те
fools - дураки
through - через

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