I didn't ask to be famous, but I'm not sore.

'Cause you can see my face in the window of every store.

You can buy my lunch box, and you can wear my clothes,

You can remember my name just as plain as the face under your nose.

I'm a new kid on the Block,

'though I may not be Johann Sebastian Bach.

So we may not write the songs we sing,

but look at Elvis, he sold his soul and

you crowned him King.

I didn't ask to be famous, but I'm not sad,

You see, I've got everything that I always wished I had.

write - записывать
heart - сердце
giving - дающий
girls - девочки
hairdresser - парикмахер
famous - известный
always - всегда
night - ночь
everything - все
every - каждый
elvis - элвиса
curls - кудри
young - молодой
afraid - боюсь
scream - орать
three - три
wished - пожелал
fight - борьба
window - окно
apple - яблоко
broke - сломал
blast - взрыв
block - блок
draft - проект
might - мог бы
counter - счетчик
crowned - коронованный
there - там
clothes - одежда
laughed - рассмеялся
daughter - дочь
lunch - обед
thought - думал
youngest - младший
plain - гладкий
beautiful - красивая
twenty - 20
register - регистр
remember - запомнить
trouble - Беда
sebastian - Себастьян
screaming - кричащий
songs - песни
sorry - прости
start - начало
store - магазин
manager - менеджер
thank - спасибо
under - под

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