I'm out here a thousand miles from my home

Walkin' a road other men have gone down

I'm seeing a your world of people and things

Your paupers and peasants and princes and kings

Hey, hey, Woody Guthrie I wrote you a song

'Bout a funny ol' world that's comin' along

Seems sick and it's hungry, it's tired an' it's torn

It looks like it's a-dyin' an' it's hardly been born

world - мир
travelling - путешествие
travelled - путешествовал
tomorrow - завтра
today - cегодня
wrote - писал
tired - устала
thousand - тысяча
sonny - сынок
someday - когда-нибудь
hearts - сердца
other - другие
guthrie - гатри
leave - оставлять
funny - веселая
cisco - сиг
princes - князья
hands - руки
times - раз
enough - достаточно
kings - короли
hungry - голодный
thing - вещь
hitting - ударять
miles - миль
seeing - видя
woody - древесный
somewhere - где-то
hardly - едва
along - вдоль
looks - выглядит
things - вещи
paupers - нищие
peasants - крестьяне
could - мог
people - люди
seems - кажется

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