That sleepy little campfire poppin kinda crackling

We were Heating up the pork and beans

Bubu said man it don't get any better than this

If you know what I mean

We sat there for a minute listening to the crickets

Thinkin this is pretty hard to beat

Til Jr stood up spit in the fire

Said boys I hate to disagree

But if a bus load of women, really good looking women,

Just suddenly pulled in here

Old Joe t Garcia showed up with fajitas and a 100 gallon keg of beer and Haggard dropped by

And brought Willie with him

And they started taking requests

Well don't get me wrong boys this is pretty good

But it could get better than this

wrong - неправильно
women - женщины
willie - уилли
wanted - разыскивается
volunteered - доброволец
under - под
taking - принятие
suddenly - вдруг, внезапно
started - начал
smoking - курение
sittin - сидят
there - там
singin - לשיר
fishing - ловит рыбу
fajitas - фахитас
playing - играть
asked - спросил
guides - направляющие
better - лучше
crickets - сверчки
stars - Звезды
beans - фасоль
crackling - хруст
around - вокруг
listening - прослушивание
content - Содержание
lefty - Левша
dropped - упал
garcia - garcia
floated - плавали
requests - запросы
stood - стоял
dance - танец
petty - мелкий
campfire - костер
chicken - курица
cigars - сигары
parker - паркера
perfectly - в совершенстве
disagree - не соглашаться
could - мог
lookin - заглянуть
minute - минут
little - немного
haggard - изможденный
offense - преступление
heating - обогрев
looking - ищу
really - действительно
jimmy - Джимми
kinda - вроде
fried - жареное
showed - показал
poncho - пончо
gallon - галлон
brought - привел
poppin - попсовое
pretty - симпатичная
pulled - вытащил
thinkin - симпозиум
sleepy - сонный
poker - покер
richard - Ричард

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