I said a bad word when I was a kid

Mamma said that I'd be sorry for the sin that I did

My daddy whooped me and the preacher said shame

And I tried like hell to change.


But I cuss, I smoke, I laugh at dirty jokes

The minor voices, man I know 'em well

I've closed down bars, I've lusted in my heart

My ex's think I ougta burn in hell

But the devil he won't notice when I die

Don't you figure he's got bigger fish to fry.

Politicians taking pork barrel bribes

Crooked CEOs are getting off with no time

Christmas Eve burglers stealing good children's toys, (can't say Christmas)

Holiday burglers stealing good children's toys.

whooped - гикнул
voices - голоса
upstairs - вверх по лестнице
tried - пытался
heart - сердце
mamma - мама
christmas - [object Object]
devil - дьявол
answer - ответ
getting - получение
daddy - папа
bigger - больше
politicians - политики
rejoicing - радость
notice - уведомление
honey - мед
think - думать
change - изменение
burning - сжигание
chorus - хор
gonna - собирается
closed - закрыто
barrel - бочка
barbecue - барбекю
everlasting - вечный
heaven - небо
bonfire - костер
bribes - взятки
there - там
cannot - не могу
hearts - сердца
figure - фигура
preacher - проповедник
holiday - день отдыха
jokes - шутки
laugh - смех
minor - незначительный
lusted - прихотливый
sauce - соус
sorry - прости
crooked - изогнутый
shame - позор
smoke - дым
stealing - кража
spoken - разговорный
stuff - материал
taking - принятие
going - собирается
dirty - грязный
tartar - винный камень

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