And so the story goes they wore the clothes

They said the things to make it seem improbable

The whale of a lie like they hope it was

And the goodmen tomorrow

Had their feet in the wallow

And their heads of brawn were nicer shorn

And how they bought their positions with saccharin and trust

And the world was asleep to our latent fuss

Sighing, the swirl through the streets

Like the crust of the sun

The Bewlay brothers

In our wings that bark

Flashing teeth of brass

Standing tall in the dark

Oh, and we were gone

Hanging out with your dwarf men

We were so turned on

By your lack of conclusions

I was stone and he was wax

So he could scream, and still relax, unbelievable

And we frightened the small children away

And our talk was old and dust would flow

Thru our veins and lo!

It was midnight

Back at the kitchen door

Like the grim face on the cathedral floor

And the solid book we wrote

Cannot be found today

wrote - писал
woven - тканый
whale - кит
veins - вены
tomorrow - завтра
today - cегодня
ticket - билет
through - через
thought - думал
teeth - зубы
streets - улицы
still - все еще
things - вещи
starving - голодающий
standing - постоянный
wings - крылья
trust - доверять
sighing - вздох
shorn - стриженый
shooting - стрельба
scream - орать
rocks - горные породы
relax - расслабиться
would - бы
positions - позиции
traders - торговцы
place - место
pillow - подушка
pavilion - павильон
devil - дьявол
swirl - водоворот
conclusions - выводы
where - где
melted - плавленый
unlocked - разблокирована
clothes - одежда
children - дети
floor - пол
chameleon - хамелеон
crutch - костыль
fakers - мошенники
their - их
caricature - карикатура
saccharin - szacharin
blessed - благословенный
pawned - заложенный
comedian - комик
solid - твердый
dwarf - карликовый
heads - руководители
about - около
turned - оказалось
crust - кора
asleep - спящий
could - мог
unbelievable - невероятно
brothers - братья
cathedral - собор
backs - спины
gravy - подливка
leave - оставлять
story - история
brass - латунь
proved - доказано
brawn - мускульная сила
oblivion - забвение
latent - латентный
cannot - не могу
stalking - облава
dress - платье
shoes - обувь
edging - окантовка
frightened - испуганный
corinthian - коринфский
factor - фактор
flashing - мигающий
small - маленький
kings - короли
world - мир
stone - камень
kitchen - кухня
flayed - содрали
hanging - подвешивание
found - найденный
hungry - голодный
feeble - слабый
improbable - невероятный
please - пожалуйста
midnight - полночь
brother - брат
might - мог бы
wallow - барахтаться
bought - купил
nicer - лучше

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