Holy Moses I have been removed

I have seen the specter he has been here too

Distant cousin from down the line

Brand of people who ain't my kind

Holy Moses I have been removed

Holy Moses I have been deceived

Now the wind has changed direction and I'll have to leave

Won't you please excuse my frankness but it's not my cup of tea

where - где
water - воды
strive - прилагать усилия
specter - привидение
removed - удален
deceived - обманутый
people - люди
poisoned - отравленный
color - цвет
abused - злоупотребляли
leave - оставлять
cease - прекращение
affairs - дела
border - граница
changed - изменено
cousin - двоюродная сестра
moses - Моисей
brand - марка
direction - направление
there - там
distant - отдаленный
frankness - откровенность
brother - брат
going - собирается
shoes - обувь
excuse - оправдание
peace - мир
hatred - ненависть
please - пожалуйста

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