Is that enough?

I think it's over

See, everything has changed

And all this hatred may just make me strong enough

To walk away

They may chase me to the ends of the earth

But I've got you babe

And they may strip me of the things that I've worked for

But I've had my say

So hear me now

I've enough of these chains

I know they're of my making

No one else to blame for where I stand today

I've no memory of truth

would - бы
truth - правда
tough - жесткий
through - через
think - думать
things - вещи
these - эти
there - там
taking - принятие
strong - сильный
strip - полоса
stand - стоять
worked - работал
sorry - прости
making - изготовление
cruel - жестокий
clear - чисто
hatred - ненависть
suddenly - вдруг, внезапно
cheap - дешево
enough - достаточно
changed - изменено
instead - вместо
where - где
blame - вина
earth - земля
guess - угадай
cruelty - жестокость
chains - цепи
change - изменение
today - cегодня
money - деньги
shame - позор
chase - гнаться
gilded - позолоченный
remain - оставаться
audience - аудитория
memory - память
people - люди
everything - все
older - старшая

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