Funny when I think about the months

That I could not get out of bed

Going back and forth over the letters that I wrote but never sent

Wake up and repeat it

But I was barely sleeping

Swimming in the memories, I'm floating in the deep end

How come you're not still in my head?

I got, you got, we got too much time on our hands

Used to be so caught up

In the things we had planned

wrote - писал
underwater - подводный
understand - понимаю
thought - думал
think - думать
things - вещи
still - все еще
planned - планируемый
swimming - плавание
opening - открытие
never - никогда
months - месяцы
sleeping - спать
memories - воспоминания
easier - полегче
could - мог
every - каждый
confused - смущенный
leading - ведущий
maybe - может быть
closing - закрытие
feelings - чувства
everything - все
caught - пойманный
barely - едва
funny - веселая
chasing - погоня
going - собирается
repeat - повторение
constantly - постоянно
forth - вперед
getting - получение
hands - руки
floating - плавающий
honest - честный
about - около
letters - буквы
pictures - картинки
looking - ищу

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