There's a reason for all that rhymes,

it's the fact and the way of the times

It's moving emotion, it's high and it's low,

no matter where you go

There is something for all who

look, there's a story in every book

All of the pages, between all the lines,

so much that you can find


But there's too many empty lives my friend

where - где
times - раз
surrounding - окружающих
spirit - дух
something - что нибудь
there - там
rhymes - рифмы
nothing - ничего
crazy - псих
comes - выходит
reason - Причина
precious - драгоценный
chorus - хор
empty - пустой
mixed - смешанный
waste - отходы
contain - содержать
feelings - чувства
cause - причина
message - сообщение
heard - услышанным
after - после
every - каждый
asking - просить
thing - вещь
between - между
washing - мойка
difference - разница
matter - дело
pages - страницы
emotion - эмоция
friend - друг
would - бы
lives - жизни
story - история
another - другой
lines - линии
moving - перемещение

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