Yeah, this one's for the mama that I never knew (Never knew)

I took acid just to burn all of my memories of you

I guess now I really wanna know the truth

How'd you leave your only child at nine for another dude?

Took that pain and punched my father in the stomach 'til he bled

Hit the store and stole a .40 and took that shit to the head

All the years that you ignore me left me sleepless in the bed

I hope daddy got some kids because your only son is dead

My revenge, got it in the end (In the end)

I'm sure all them rituals need me again (Me again)

I spent twenty years waiting on the stairs

Now I'm finished thinking anyone'll ever hear these prayers

If I die before I wake, smoke me out of Heaven's gate

Bring me back to life on Sunday, pour me up the Devil's drink

Wake up, go to work on Monday, grind it out for seven straight

You showed me that just because we're blood don't mean we relate

All my dark days came in the summer

All my thoughts changed, now I'm a loner

Everything stayed, you were the runner

Watched the train go away through the tunnels

Hold up, stack my money up just for a rainy day

wanna - хочу
where - где
twenty - 20
tunnels - туннели
truth - правда
trust - доверять
tonight - сегодня ночью
thoughts - мысли
suicidal - самоубийственный
straight - прямо
store - магазин
stomach - желудок
stayed - остались
waiting - ожидание
spooked - напугали
spent - потраченный
sleepless - бессонный
sleeping - спать
showed - показал
grind - растереть
years - лет
seven - семь
rainy - дождливый
stairs - лестница
drink - напиток
worried - волновался
train - поезд
these - эти
grave - могила
prove - доказывать
stack - стек
realest - realest
watched - смотрели
really - действительно
slave - рабыня
daddy - папа
start - начало
crazy - псих
finished - законченный
through - через
bring - приносить
everything - все
because - потому как
leave - оставлять
people - люди
always - всегда
never - никогда
runner - бегун
again - еще раз
cloudy - облачный
sunday - воскресенье
stole - украл
father - отец
another - другой
blood - кровь
before - до
smoke - дым
rolling - прокатка
rituals - ритуалы
guess - угадай
brother - брат
changed - изменено
night - ночь
change - изменение
loner - одиночка
memories - воспоминания
monday - понедельник
shooters - шутеры
money - деньги
playing - играть
could - мог
prayers - молитвы
summer - лето
punched - перфорированный
ignore - игнорировать
relate - иметь отношение
repeat - повторение
thinking - мышление
child - ребенок
revenge - жажда мести

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