She was kind of fragile

And she had a lot to grapple with

But basically she kept

It all inside

Childlike and effervescent

With a well of pain

The depth of I could not imagine

If I tried

Never thought that I

Would hear them say

Twister went and threw it all away

tried - пытался
through - через
threw - бросил
thought - думал
there - там
somewhere - где-то
never - никогда
twister - смерч
moment - Момент
could - мог
grapple - сцепиться
closure - закрытие
basically - в основном
release - выпуск
leave - оставлять
would - бы
saying - поговорка
effervescent - шипучий
behind - за
floating - плавающий
handle - ручка
chance - шанс
depth - глубина
tragic - трагический
dreamed - снилось
childlike - детский
magical - волшебный
casually - вскользь
feeling - чувство
fragile - хрупкое
imagine - представить
peace - мир
found - найденный
goodbye - прощай
guess - угадай
inside - внутри
laughter - смех

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