American born, American raised, American made

[Chorus 2X]

My country shitted on me (My country)

She wants to get rid of me (Naw, never)

Cause the things I seen (We know too much)

Cause the things I seen (We seen too much)

[Verse 1 (Nas)]

It was packed on the Ryker's bus

The tight cuffs is holdin' me shackled

The life of a thug caught in the devil's lap

On the streets I was invincible

Cowards would duck at a glimpse if they knew

What my pistol would do, a fuckin' killa

Mothers of dope fiend embarrassin' me

All in front of my friends

In the street smile with no teeth

I never knew daddy, heard he had a 72 caddy

Died in a robbery, can't remember him, was probably 3

Why didn't my folks just die in this society

Why wasn't I a child of a doctor, who left stocks for me

Two little brothers, two sisters, them shortiez gots to eat

Mother's a junkie, she twisted, so all they got is me

I'm the provider, with goals to do much better than my father

Whether through drugs sold, or holdin' revolvers

Blurry visions of dad holdin' me high

It comes to me slowly, the words he would cry

[Repeat Chorus]

[Verse 2 (Millenium Thug)]

It is I that step up

Me that don't give a fuck, you that bold, then it's all over soldier

Hummers and Range's through the desert

Fuck a 20 years, long as we got gas and we got water

years - лет
words - слова
whether - будь то
warden - смотритель
visit - посещение
visions - видения
verse - стих
twisted - скрученный
troopers - десантники
tight - в обтяжку
through - через
think - думать
things - вещи
state - государство
startin - начинать
stars - Звезды
soldier - солдат
society - общество
smile - улыбка
slowly - медленно
water - воды
sisters - сестры
sight - взгляд
shoes - обувь
shackled - скована
scheme - схема
swear - клянусь
rubble - щебень
wants - хочет
robbery - грабеж
escape - побег
drugs - наркотики
desert - пустыня
every - каждый
everything - все
crumble - раскрошить
daddy - папа
cowards - трусы
brothers - братья
street - улица
pistol - пистолет
everyday - каждый день
ducks - утки
country - страна
caddy - чайница
closer - ближе
scribe - писец
invincible - непобедимый
doctor - врач
folks - люди
clean - чистый
bloody - кровавый
homicide - убийство
debris - мусор
cause - причина
bitch - сука
goals - цели
billion - миллиард
anywhere - в любом месте
bench - скамейка
dearest - самый дорогой
yesterday - Вчера
repeat - повторение
child - ребенок
machine - машина
apart - кроме
hummers - хаммеры
streets - улицы
shitted - shitted
block - блок
behind - за
dollar - доллар
breath - дыхание
blurry - размыто
could - мог
color - цвет
teeth - зубы
broadcast - широковещательный
cares - заботы
slaves - рабы
comes - выходит
major - главный
cuffs - манжеты
burnt - сожжен
buried - похороненный
business - бизнес
caught - пойманный
american - американский
chest - грудь
mommy - мамочка
nobody - никто
everytime - каждый раз
walls - стены
remember - запомнить
father - отец
fatigues - переутомления
fence - забор
fiend - изверг
gates - ворота
revolvers - револьверы

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