Black hoods, cops 'n projects

sewers flooded with foul blockage

The gutter's wild and every child watches

Changin top locks with ripped off hinges

doors kicked off, drunks stag off smirnoff, wipe your beard off

Crippled dope fiends in wheelchairs stare

vision blurry, cus buried deep in they mind are hidden stories

Bet he's a mirror image of that 70's era

finished for the rest of his life, till he fades out

The liquor store workers miss him but then it plays out

so many ways out the hood but no signs say out

Mental slavehouse where gats go off, I show off

niggas up north, prison-ology talk, till they time cut off

You should chill if you short, prepare deep thought

to hit the street again, get it on, get this paper and breathe again

Plan to leave somethin' behind

so your name'll live on, no matter what the game lives on


Lookin' out of my project window

Oh, I feel uninspired

Lookin' out of my project window

Oh, it makes me feel, so tired

Yo, if this piano's the cake then my words are the candles

Light it up, make a wish, and them angels will grant you

Impatient once tried, but in those angels and bamboo

they lit it up, *puff* *puff*, hit it up, *puff*

Now they dismantled, think the whole world is crazy, got a 9

watch where you walk, 2 dollar fine, sign of the times here in New York

world - мир
witnessed - свидетелями
whole - все
united - единый
uninspired - невдохновленный
where - где
thought - думал
teaspoons - чайные ложки
teach - учат
street - улица
stories - Истории
starin - starin
stare - глазеть
strings - Строки
speakers - динамики
sounded - звучало
somebody - кто-то
smooth - гладкий; плавный
windows - окна
signs - знаки
sewers - дождевые
scars - шрамы
finished - законченный
black - черный
every - каждый
controlled - контролируемый
those - те
myself - себя
prepare - подготовить
rules - правила
changin - Changin
quietly - тихо
awake - бодрствующий
watches - часы
fades - блекнет
downs - спады
doors - двери
dollar - доллар
drugs - наркотики
ahead - впереди
school - школа
locks - замки
goons - головорезы
girls - девочки
matter - дело
taken - взятый
comparison - сравнение
bamboo - бамбук
guitar - гитара
angels - ангелы
evaluation - оценка
music - музыка
become - стали
wrote - писал
grant - даровать
again - еще раз
medicine - лекарственное средство
times - раз
playgrounds - детские площадки
child - ребенок
beard - борода
satan - сатана
basketball - баскетбол
hidden - скрытый
window - окно
brain - головной мозг
blockage - блокировка
wheelchairs - инвалидные кресла
mental - умственный
vision - видение
seventies - семидесятые годы
another - другой
words - слова
image - образ
knife - нож
crazy - псих
smirnoff -
razor - бритва
would - бы
heavenly - небесный
courts - суды
blurry - размыто
light - легкий
picture - картина
crippled - калека
fiends - изверги
flooded - затопленный
fight - борьба
brother - брат
shoes - обувь
ology - ology
homework - домашнее задание
might - мог бы
breathe - дышать
behind - за
makes - марки
night - ночь
stack - стек
buried - похороненный
think - думать

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