Bruises, in my mind

I can't get my head off the pillow, check the bed am I still single

I look like pantomime, checking photos on my phone and how the hell did I get home?

4am I'm hailing down the he said I live too fast, still need for double charge

2am I think I am gaga, maybe I've gone too far, I'm dancing on the bar

Disco, blisters and a comedown, all I got to show now

From my friday night, oh, why, why?

Do the lights on the make the sky a less it's looking like john prescott

Lipstick and my keys, bottle and a straw and I'm working down my door

I got my music, in my room

Rollers in my head and my babys on the way

thursday - четверг
think - думать
still - все еще
single - один
wondering - интересно
prescott - prescott
pillow - подушка
photos - фото
pantomime - пантомима
outside - за пределами
working - за работой
queen - королева
morning - утро
maybe - может быть
dancing - танцы
sleep - спать
every - каждый
looking - ищу
rollers - валки
night - ночь
checking - проверка
ticking - тиканье
fight - борьба
bottle - бутылка
blisters - блистеры
bruises - ушибы
straw - солома
charge - заряд
friday - пятница
music - музыка
double - двойной
phone - телефон
hailing - град
comedown - спускаться
better - лучше
calling - призвание
keeps - держит
check - проверить
lipstick - губная помада
disco - дискотека
heavy - тяжелый
lights - огни
sunday - воскресенье
little - немного

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