




He went from a street kid doin regular street things

Straight to a street king

Takin over the city, block by block

Breaking down bricks, servin them rock by rock

He's everything a young gun wanna grow up to be

But if only these young guns could see

That murder, money, and lust is slowly murderin' us

Cuz the drug game ain't what it used to be

So look deeper when they paint you a picture

And try to sell you a dream

Cuz a lot of these drug lords turn to the feds, or turn into fiends

The crack game ain't everything it's cracked up to be

Now that same cat that was a, neighborhood celebrity

Is coppin rocks off the news kids on the block

At the same time tryna school them

But these hoodlums got heads as hard as the rocks that he's doin'

Hustlin's like a drug, it's got withdrawal symptoms

And if you know this, you won't skip fame

But you will gain wisdom, and wisdom gains power

Don't let your life go sour over power

Hustlin's like a drug, it's addicting

The more you hustle, the more you get addicted

The longer you hustle, the deeper the addiction

If you used to push weight you relate (it's the hustler's withdrawal)

Hustlin's like a drug, it's addicting

The more you hustle, the more you get addicted

The longer you hustle, the deeper the addiction

If you used to push weight you relate (it's the hustler's withdrawal)

Not only did my father used to deal dope

He used to do the dope he used to deal, I'm juss' keepin it real

Now my father doesn't have shit

I don't have shit

witnessed - свидетелями
withdrawal - вывод
wisdom - мудрость
white - белый
weight - вес
wanna - хочу
until - до
things - вещи
thing - вещь
teacher - учитель
teach - учат
taste - вкус
takin - такин
models - модели
everything - все
tryna - старается
havin - Хавин
fiends - изверги
deeper - глубже
didnt - техника его подводит
either - или
crack - трещина
murder - убийство
paint - покрасить
course - курс
their - их
follow - следовать
thoughts - мысли
slowly - медленно
catch - поймать
names - имена
cocaine - кокаин
clouded - дымчатый
gains - доходы
keepin - Keepin
could - мог
rocks - горные породы
forced - принудительный
blown - взорван
money - деньги
breaking - ломка
immune - иммунный
these - эти
attracts - привлекает
knowledge - знание
servin - Servin
cases - случаи
survive - уцелеть
cracked - треснувший
dream - мечта
choose - выберите
outlined - изложены
become - стали
first - первый
addiction - зависимость
celebrity - знаменитость
appealing - привлекательный
addicting - увлекающаяся
passed - прошло
dough - тесто
dirty - грязный
addicted - склонный
better - лучше
second - Второй
think - думать
faucet - кран
bricks - кирпич
regular - регулярный
brings - приносит
already - уже
block - блок
certain - определенный
longer - дольше
father - отец
chalk - мел
charges - расходы
comes - выходит
infected - инфицированный
difference - разница
gained - получили
heads - руководители
people - люди
system - система
hoodlums - хулиганами
hustle - понуждать
instead - вместо
kinfolk - родня
least - наименее
leaves - листья
lived - жил
lords - лорды
school - школа
lucky - везучий
mention - упомянуть
neighborhood - окрестности
dealin - иметь дело
still - все еще
pending - в ожидании
young - молодой
phase - фаза

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