Boy is lonely on a burning hot summer night

He's looking 4 some action, he's looking 4 a fight

He's looking 4 a saviour in a city full of fools

Maybe he just needs a good talker to give him a good talking 2.

Can we talk baby? Strip down, strip down.

I think I'm gonna fall in love tonight.

Elephants and flowers, hot sweaty light paints a picture red and gold

On a crowd of naked bodies stripped down to their very souls

How can he find a shy angel in a city so bold (so bold)

He can't even find a place 2 dance, this is rock and roll.

Strip down, strip down, elephants and flowers

Is everybody ready? Here we go.

Love the one who is love, (love) the one who gives us the power, (power)

The one who made everything, (what?) elephants and flowers (what will he do?)

think - думать
lonely - одинокий
gonna - собирается
listen - слушать
flowers - цветы
souls - души
stripped - раздетый
fight - борьба
chain - цепь
talking - говорящий
everybody - все
enemies - враги
burning - сжигание
confusion - путаница
gives - дает
angel - ангел
crowd - толпа
action - действие
bodies - тела
dance - танец
tonight - сегодня ночью
morning - утро
eliminates - ликвидирует
everything - все
elephants - слоны
saviour - спаситель
those - те
their - их
naked - обнаженный
needs - потребности
night - ночь
fools - дураки
others - другие
maybe - может быть
paints - краски
summer - лето
light - легкий
peace - мир
picture - картина
ready - готов
power - мощность
talker - болтун
strip - полоса
place - место
sorrow - печаль
looking - ищу
sweaty - потный
tears - слезы
there - там

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