Every time I look at you the world just melts away

All my troubles all my fears dissolve in your affections

You've seen me at my weakest but you take me as I am

And when I fall you offer me a softer place to land

You stay the course you hold the line you keep it all together

You're the one true thing I know I can believe in

You're all the things that I desire, you save me, you complete me

You're the one true thing I know I can believe

I get mad so easy but you give me room to breathe

No matter what I say or do 'cause you're to good to fight about it

troubles - проблемы
things - вещи
thing - вещь
thats - это
there - там
stoop - сутулость
crazy - псих
course - курс
times - раз
melts - расплавы
world - мир
brush - щетка
never - никогда
softer - мягче
believe - верить
affections - привязанностей
together - вместе
otherwise - в противном случае
complete - полный
about - около
place - место
antidote - антидот
desire - желание
nothing - ничего
sometimes - иногда
dissolve - растворяться
decide - принимать решение
breathe - дышать
drown - тонуть
every - каждый
weakest - слабейший
fears - боится
matter - дело
battle - боевой
fight - борьба
through - через
offer - предлагает

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