She blew my mind behind the record machine

She was a shitload of trouble called the Subway Queen

Had a list of bad habits and a shake that was a bit obscene

One night I caught her running out the cellar door

There was about a million people lying flat on the floor

For such a sweet little lady I would swear she's rotten to the core

Oh yes

She's got her hands in the cookie jar

Smiling like an alligator

Makin' headlines in the back of her car

Tight lipped now but she'll sink ships later

I know a thing or two about

sweet little sister

Her mama kill her if she knew what she do

she's my sweet little sister

She'll love ya black and blue

sweet little sister

She's Mona Lisa with a new tattoo

she's my sweet little, sweet little sister

Every quittin' time is another disease

trouble - Беда
tight - в обтяжку
there - там
swear - клянусь
squeeze - выжимать
sister - сестра
shake - встряхивать
running - бег
rotten - гнилой
disease - болезнь
boogie - буги-вуги
cowboys - ковбои
doing - дела
crack - трещина
every - каждый
cookie - печенье
friends - друзья
cellar - подвал
called - называется
candy - конфеты
about - около
black - черный
floor - пол
another - другой
later - позже
angel - ангел
tattoo - тату
state - государство
friend - друг
thing - вещь
being - являющийся
price - цена
behind - за
caught - пойманный
burgundy - Бургундия
record - запись
getting - получение
subway - метро
alligator - аллигатор
hands - руки
habits - привычки
smiling - улыбается
mental - умственный
headlines - Заголовки
heavy - тяжелый
night - ночь
knees - Колени
tongue - язык
mission - миссия
lipped - губы
through - через
heaven - небо
little - немного
sweet - милая
people - люди
lying - лежащий
machine - машина
mercy - милость
shitload - хуя
million - миллиона
would - бы
obscene - непристойный
queen - королева
ships - судов
queer - странный
rocket - ракета

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