With his fool's gold stacked up all around him

From a killing in the market on the war

The children left King Midas there, as they found him

In his counting house where nothing counts but more

And he thought he heard the echo of a penny whistle band

And the laughter from a distant caravan

And the brightly painted line of circus wagons in the sand

Fading through the door into summer

travel - путешествовать
wagons - вагоны
tears - слезы
stacked - сложены
through - через
score - гол
trade - сделка
places - мест
penny - пенни
every - каждый
whistle - свисток
fading - замирание
where - где
thought - думал
keeping - хранение
there - там
distant - отдаленный
counts - счетчики
counting - подсчет
around - вокруг
painted - окрашенный
children - дети
caravan - караван
circus - цирк
laughter - смех
brightly - ярко
summer - лето
cannot - не могу
found - найденный
finds - находки
heard - услышанным
killing - убийство
house - дом
market - рынок
midas - Мидас
nothing - ничего

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