Mom made my sex

She knitted it with her hands

Sex-making is

A family tradition

Going back to the caveman days

They were walking around in a haze

Until they figured it out

And they said

"Gosh dang, this is great!"

But now I'm like a prehistoric screwball

Walking 'round with no sex at all, I said

Where's my sex?

I thought it was here

Under the bench

But it isn't there

I've got no idea where it disappeared to

I'm running late, I can't be late

I can't go out without my sex

It's cold outside if my toes get wet

And people will think that I'm an alien

Just cruising in to make a friend

Meg likes to hide it

She says that it gives her a kick

washing - мойка
walking - гулять пешком
trying - пытаясь
tradition - традиция
friend - друг
ready - готов
family - семья
detergent - моющее средство
gives - дает
without - без
think - думать
figured - фигурный
closet - стенной шкаф
brother - брат
going - собирается
floor - пол
happy - счастливый
until - до
drawer - выдвижной ящик
another - другой
bounce - подпрыгивать
eliminate - устранить
round - круглый
caveman - троглодит
cling - цепляться
screwball - сумасброд
could - мог
people - люди
always - всегда
thought - думал
bench - скамейка
sister - сестра
tumbling - акробатика
talking - говорящий
under - под
disappeared - исчез
where - где
alien - инопланетянин
static - статический
great - великий
hands - руки
clean - чистый
knitted - вязаный
likes - нравится
running - бег
gonna - собирается
stuck - застрял
cruising - крейсерский
machine - машина
outside - за пределами
making - изготовление
please - пожалуйста
around - вокруг
prehistoric - доисторический
pretty - симпатичная
shoes - обувь
there - там

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