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Give me... Give me a Tab.
Tab? I can't give you a tab
unless you order something.
Right. Give me a Pepsi Free.
You want a Pepsi, pal,
you're going to pay for it.
Look, just give me something
without any sugar in it, okay?
Something without sugar.
Hey McFly.
What do you think you're doing?
Hey, I'm talking to you, McFly, you Irish bug!
Hey, Biff. Hey, guys.
How are you doing?
You got my homework
finished, McFly?
Well actually, I figured
since it wasn't due 'til Monday...
Hello? Hello? Anybody home?
Think, McFly. Think!
I got to have time to recopy it.
You realize what would happen if I hand in
my homework in your handwriting?
I'll get kicked out of school.
And you wouldn't want that to happen,
would you?
- Would you?
- Well, no, of course not.
I wouldn't want that to happen.
What are you looking
at, butthead?
Biff, get a load of this guy's life preserver.
Dork thinks he's going to drown.
How about my homework, McFly?
Okay, Biff.
I'll finish that on up tonight
and then I'll bring it over first
thing tomorrow morning.
Not too early. I sleep in Sundays.
Oh, McFly, your shoe's untied!
Don't be so gullible, McFly.
- I don't want to see you in here again.
- Okay. All right. Bye-bye.
- What?
- You're George McFly!
Yeah. Who are you?
Why do you let those boys
push you around like that for?
Well, they're bigger than me.
Stand tall, boy.
Have some respect for yourself.
Don't you know, if you let
people walk over you now
they'll be walking over you
for the rest of your life.
Look at me.
You think I'm gonna spend the
rest of my life in this slop house?
- Watch it, Goldie.
- No, sir!
I'm gonna make something of myself.
I'm going to night school,
and one day, I'm going to be somebody.
That's right. He's going to be mayor.
Yeah, I'm... Mayor!
Now that's a good idea!
I could run for mayor.
A colored mayor. That'll be the day.
You wait and see, Mr. Caruthers.
I will be mayor.
I'll be the most powerful man
in Hill Valley...
...and I'm going to clean up this town.
Good. You can start by sweeping the floor.
Mayor Goldie Wilson.
I like the sound of that.
Hey, Dad! George! Hey, you on the bike!
yourself - сам
would - бы
untied - несвязанный
tomorrow - завтра
those - те
thinks - думает
thing - вещь
sweeping - подметание
sundays - по воскресеньям
sugar - сахар
start - начало
stand - стоять
spend - проводить
watch - смотреть
something - что нибудь
somebody - кто-то
school - школа
right - правильно
valley - долина
respect - уважение
recopy - переписывание
bring - приносить
handwriting - почерк
early - рано
doing - дела
floor - пол
looking - ищу
anybody - кто-нибудь
since - поскольку
could - мог
mcfly - McFly
course - курс
people - люди
actually - на самом деле
happen - случаться
without - без
think - думать
figured - фигурный
order - заказ
hello - здравствуйте
unless - если
again - еще раз
george - Джордж
myself - себя
mayor - мэр
monday - понедельник
colored - цветной
irish - ирландцы
bigger - больше
tonight - сегодня ночью
morning - утро
walking - гулять пешком
drown - тонуть
first - первый
talking - говорящий
sound - звук
finished - законченный
about - около
around - вокруг
goldie - goldie
butthead - Баттхед
caruthers - карутерс
clean - чистый
going - собирается
sleep - спать
gonna - собирается
homework - домашнее задание
finish - конец
house - дом
kicked - ногами
night - ночь
pepsi - пепси
powerful - мощный
wilson - вильсон
gullible - легковерный
preserver - налитая
realize - понимать
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