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I don't want to hear excuses.
I just want to hear your assignments
read aloud in a slow and peaceful--
- You, Joshua. Go.
- Uh, my dog ate it?
- I know you don't have a dog.
- Right. Sorry.
- Miss Caldwell ?
- Yes, Kaylee?
Can you open the door?
It's kinda toasty in here.
I suppose so.
Jason Shepherd, did you just
come in from that window?
No. You looked a little flushed.
I was just creating a cross-draft.
Oh, now that we're all comfortable,
why don't you read us your story?
Let's give someone
else a chance.
No, I think we'd all like to hear yours.
You did do it, didn't you?
Miss Caldwell--
can I call you Phyllis?
- No.
- Understood.
But as much as I wanted
to write my paper--
I mean, I really, really wanted
to write my paper--
I couldn't.
And it's because I
spent all last night
in the Greenbury General
emergency room.
See, my mom made
Swedish meatballs for dinner.
It's my dad's favorite.
He was so excited, he accidentally
swallowed one whole.
It was awful! He started choking.
His face turned purple.
The meatball was really
bulging out of his neck.
We rushed
him to the E.R.
I kept trying to write my
paper in the waiting room
but it was too hard.
I needed to be by my father's side.
After all, he's the only dad I got.
You're lying through your
teeth, you little demon.
I wish I were, Phyllis.
Call my dad if you want.
His number's 555-0147.
I think I will.
You're totally gonna get busted.
- Say "Harry Shepherd's office."
- No way. Don't drag me into this.
Come on. Help me out.
What am I supposed to do?
How about write the paper?
- Do it.
- No.
Harry Shepherd's office.
One moment please.
Hello? Oh, hello. Miss Caldwell.
Yes, it's true.
It was terrifying!
I started to see the white light.
I was just about to cross over
to the other side,
when I heard the
voice of an angel calling out
when I opened my eyes,
I saw my sweet, sweet Jason
standing over me.
And I said,
"Back off, Grim Reaper.
I ain't done living yet."
And with every ounce of gas
I had left in my body,
I burped that meatball
right across the room.
And I owe it all to my son.
I'm sorry, Miss Caldwell.
I should stop talking now.
My throat is still very sore.
Thank you.
I am so sorry!
yours - ваш
window - окно
white - белый
voice - голос
understood - понимать
turned - оказалось
trying - пытаясь
think - думать
thank - спасибо
terrifying - ужасающий
swedish - шведский
swallowed - проглатывании
suppose - предполагать
still - все еще
sorry - прости
throat - горло
standing - постоянный
someone - кто то
waiting - ожидание
should - должен
right - правильно
purple - пурпурный
shepherd - пасти
peaceful - мирное
paper - бумага
wanted - разыскивается
ounce - унция
office - офис
teeth - зубы
night - ночь
dinner - ужин
cross - пересекать
creating - создание
write - записывать
harry - Гарри
choking - задыхаясь
spent - потраченный
calling - призвание
draft - проект
kinda - вроде
comfortable - удобный
flushed - продували
busted - лопнул
accidentally - случайно
sweet - милая
started - начал
demon - демон
meatball - фрикаделька
burped - рыгнул
after - после
bulging - выпячивание
opened - открытый
heard - услышанным
chance - шанс
caldwell - caldwell
whole - все
totally - полностью
needed - необходимый
aloud - вслух
across - через
talking - говорящий
other - другие
about - около
toasty - подрумяненный
assignments - назначения
meatballs - фрикадельки
please - пожалуйста
awful - ужасный
angel - ангел
emergency - крайняя необходимость
because - потому как
every - каждый
really - действительно
excuses - предлоги
rushed - помчался
excited - в восторге
favorite - любимый
joshua - Джошуа
gonna - собирается
through - через
phyllis - филис
little - немного
greenbury - гринбери
hello - здравствуйте
supposed - предполагаемый
story - история
kaylee - Кейли
reaper - жатка
light - легкий
living - живой
jason - ясон
looked - смотрел
lying - лежащий
general - генеральная
moment - Момент
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