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Yeah, but this girl is like,
you know, beautiful.
She's smart. She's fun.
She's different from most of the girls
I've been with.
So call her up, Romeo.
Why? So I can realize
she's not that smart?
That she's fuckin' boring?
You know, I mean, you don't...
This girl is like fuckin' perfect
right now. I don't wanna ruin that.
Maybe you're perfect right now.
Maybe you don't wanna ruin that.
But I think that's
a super philosophy, Will.
That way you can go
through your entire life
without ever having to
really know anybody.
My wife used to fart
when she was nervous.
She had all sorts
of wonderful idiosyncrasies.
You know, she used to fart
in her sleep.
Sorry I shared that with you.
And one night it was so loud,
it woke the dog up.
She woke up and gone like,
"Was that you?"
I said, "Yeah. " I didn't have the heart
to tell her. Oh, God.
- She woke herself up?
- Yes.
Oh, Christ. Ah, but, Will,
she's been dead two years and that's
the shit I remember.
It's wonderful stuff, you know?
Little things like that.
Yeah, but those are the things
I miss the most.
The little idiosyncrasies
that only I knew about.
That's what made her my wife.
Boy, and she had the
goods on me, too.
She knew all my
little peccadillos.
People call these things imperfections,
but they're not.
Oh, that's the good stuff.
And then we get to choose who we let
into our weird little worlds.
You're not perfect, sport.
And let me save you the suspense.
This girl you met,
she isn't perfect either.
But the question is whether or not
you're perfect for each other.
That's the whole deal.
That's what intimacy is all about.
Now, you can know everything
in the world, sport...
but the only way you're findin' out
that one is by givin' it a shot.
You certainly won't learn
from an old fucker like me.
Even if I did know,
I wouldn't tell a pissant like you.
years - лет
wonderful - замечательно
whole - все
whether - будь то
world - мир
weird - странный
those - те
these - эти
worlds - миры
idiosyncrasies - идиосинкразии
question - вопрос
either - или
really - действительно
remember - запомнить
herself - сама
fucker - подонок
beautiful - красивая
other - другие
about - около
everything - все
learn - учить
goods - товар
anybody - кто-нибудь
intimacy - интимность
different - другой
through - через
little - немного
things - вещи
imperfections - несовершенств
people - люди
choose - выберите
christ - Христос
girls - девочки
entire - все
maybe - может быть
sorry - прости
perfect - идеально
without - без
think - думать
philosophy - философия
peccadillos - peccadillos
pissant - pissant
realize - понимать
certainly - безусловно
right - правильно
nervous - нервное
romeo - ромео
wanna - хочу
shared - общий
sleep - спать
smart - умная
boring - скучный
sorts - виды
stuff - материал
sport - спорт
night - ночь
super - супер
heart - сердце
having - имеющий
suspense - неизвестность
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