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- Hey, good job, Africa.
- Thanks.
Cady's blushing.
Oh, my god. You totally
have a crush on that guy.
No, I don't.
That's why you wanted
to join the mathletes.
Mathletes? You hate math.
Look how red she is.
You love him.
And he totally complimented you.
That is so fetch.
Gretchen, stop trying
to make "fetch" happen.
It's not going to happen.
"why should Caesar get
to stomp around like a giant
"while the rest of us try not to
get smushed Under his big feet?"
"what's so great about Caesar?
"Brutus is just as cute
as Caesar.
"okay, Brutus is just
as smart as Caesar.
"people totally like Brutus just
as much as they like Caesar.
"and when did it become
okay for one person
"to be the boss of everybody?
"because that's not
what Rome is about!
"we should totally just
stab Caesar!"
Gretchen wieners had cracked.
If you even knew how mean
she really is.
You know that I'm not allowed
to wear hoop earrings, right?
Yeah. Two years ago, She told me
that hoop earrings were her thing
And that I wasn't allowed
to wear them anymore.
And then for Hanukkah,
my parents got me this pair of...
Of really expensive
white-gold hoops.
And I had to pretend
like I didn't even like them, and...
It was so sad.
And you know
she cheats on Aaron?
Yes. Every Thursday he thinks
she's doing sat prep.
But really, she's hooking up
with Shane Oman
In the projection room
Above the auditorium,
I never told anybody that,
I'm such a good friend.
white - белый
under - под
while - в то время как
thursday - четверг
thinks - думает
thing - вещь
stomp - топать
earrings - серьги
should - должен
complimented - похвалила
cracked - треснувший
about - около
anymore - больше не
cheats - читы
brutus - Брут
totally - полностью
smushed - smushed
thanks - благодаря
blushing - застенчивый
anybody - кто-нибудь
great - великий
hooking - закреплять
africa - Африка
become - стали
everybody - все
auditorium - актовый зал
years - лет
mathletes - mathletes
around - вокруг
aaron - Аарон
wanted - разыскивается
going - собирается
allowed - позволил
wieners - сардельки
every - каждый
pretend - делать вид
because - потому как
gretchen - Гретхен
friend - друг
giant - гигант
trying - пытаясь
hanukkah - ханука
hoops - обручи
expensive - дорогая
happen - случаться
caesar - Цезарь
never - никогда
doing - дела
crush - раздавить
above - выше
parents - родители
really - действительно
people - люди
person - человек
fetch - получать
projection - проекция
right - правильно
shane - shane
smart - умная
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