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Any family in the States, Tony?
Any cousins, brother-in-law, anybody?
Nobody. Everybody's dead.
You ever been to jail, Tony?
Me? Jail? No way. No.
Been in a mental hospital?
Oh, yeah.
On the boat coming over.
What about homosexuality, Tony?
You like men, huh?
You like to dress up
like a woman?
What the fuck is
wrong with this guy?
He kidding me or what?
Just answer the questions, Tony?
Okay. No. Okay?
Fuck no!
Arrested for vagrancy?
- Never, man.
- Heroin?
- Cocaine?
- No.
Where'd you get the beauty scar,
tough guy? Eatin' pussy?
How am I gonna get
a scar like that eating pussy?
This was when I was a kid, ya know?
You should see the other kid.
You can't recognize him.
And this?
Oh, that's nothing, man.
That's for my sweetheart.
Sweetheart, my ass! We've been
seein' more and more of these.
Some kind of code
these guys used in the can.
Pitchfork means an assassin
or somethin'.
Okay, you got me.
I was in the can one time.
For buying dollars. Big, big deal.
That's pretty funny, Tony.
What'd ya do? Mug him first?
Get him outta here!
So I fuck up!
Let me talk to this guy. Please!
Let me talk to him a minute.
You a Communist?
How'd you like it, man?
They tell you all the time what to do,
what to think, what to feel.
Do you wanna be like a sheep?
Like all those other people?
Baah. Baah.
I don't have to listen
to this bullshit!
You wanna work eight, 10 fucking hours?
You own nothing, you got nothing!
Do you want a chivato
on every corner, man, looking after you?
Watching everything you do?
Everything you say, man?
Do you know I eat octopus
three times a day?
I got fucking octopus
coming out of my fucking ears, man.
I got the fuckin' Russian shoes
my feet's comin' through.
How do you like that?
What, you want me to stay there
and do nothing?
Hey, I'm no fuckin' criminal, man.
I'm no puta or thief.
I'm Tony Montana,
a political prisoner from Cuba.
And I want
my fuckin' human rights, now!
Just like the President
Jimmy Carter says. Okay?
Carter should see this human right.
He's really good.
- What do you say, Harry?
- I don't believe a word of this shit!
They all sound the same to me.
That son of a bitch Castro is
shittin' all over us.
Send this bastard to Freedom town.
Let them take a look at him.
- Get him outta here.
- You know somethin'?
You can send me anywhere. Here, there,
this, that; it don't matter.
There's nothing you can do
to me that Castro has not already done.
wrong - неправильно
vagrancy - бродяжничество
three - три
those - те
think - думать
thief - вор
these - эти
tough - жесткий
there - там
sweetheart - возлюбленная
states - состояния
should - должен
russian - русский
right - правильно
pussy - киска
prisoner - заключенный
please - пожалуйста
people - люди
octopus - осьминог
watching - наблюдение
never - никогда
montana - Монтана
marijuana - марихуана
pretty - симпатичная
communist - коммунист
cocaine - кокаин
bastard - ублюдок
woman - женщина
buying - покупка
bullshit - бред сивой кобылы
believe - верить
already - уже
matter - дело
castro - castro
nothing - ничего
cousins - кузены
through - через
rights - права
minute - минут
family - семья
human - человек
brother - брат
gonna - собирается
listen - слушать
sound - звук
other - другие
about - около
anybody - кто-нибудь
kidding - ребячество
outta - убираться
corner - угол
anywhere - в любом месте
harry - Гарри
arrested - арестованный
sheep - овца
bitch - сука
eight - 8
president - президент
looking - ищу
assassin - убийца
criminal - преступник
political - политическая
dollars - долларов
nobody - никто
freedom - свобода
times - раз
dress - платье
pitchfork - вилы
eating - принимать пищу
coming - приход
every - каждый
everything - все
wanna - хочу
first - первый
carter - возчик
hours - часов
chivato - Chivato
answer - ответ
fucking - чертов
funny - веселая
questions - вопросов
beauty - красота
after - после
heroin - героин
mental - умственный
homosexuality - гомосексуализм
shoes - обувь
hospital - больница
recognize - признать
really - действительно
means - означает
jimmy - Джимми
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