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Watch your head.
- Hey, it's a new guy!
Look at him, all dressed
up in his Sunday vest.
He's really tiny, isn't he?
Yeah. Fate has delivered
us a comrade-in-arms
and for that, we are thankful.
Suit him up!
- Let's go, greenie.
- Now, wait a minute!
- Hey!
- Here you go.
- Welcome to the resistance.
- Resistance?
We fight for freedom
and ogres everywhere!
I didn't know we could do that.
Help! Help me! You can't eat me!
I got the mange!
- I'm poisonous! I'm all poi...
- I'll take him! This order's to go.
Hey! I haven't removed
his giblets yet.
Trust me, you don't
want to eat this one.
I go down smooth, but
come out fighting!
- Let go! - Don't make Mama
mad. - Your dinner is my friend!
- Come on, guys!
- I got to get the giblets out!
- She's back.
- There she is.
I'm so happy I found you!
Maybe you missed orientation,
but for future reference, personal
space is very important to me.
You don't know who I am, do you?
Brogan, I have news
from Far Far Away.
Gather the others and
meet me in the war room.
Fiona! - Gretched, make sure everyone is
prepared to move out tonight.
- I need to talk to you.
- What is it?
Okay, I know you don't
remember me, but...
we're married. Hear me out.
And at the birthday party
with some pigs and a puppet,
the villagers wanted me
to sign their pitchforks,
and this boy kept
saying, "Do the roar."
Then I punched the cakes that the
pigs ate and the next thing I knew,
my donkey fell in
your waffle hole.
Right? Who's with me?
I guess I must have kicked
him harder than I thought.
Fiona, I need to...
Witches! All right, everyone,
you know the drill!
- Fiona!
- Witches! Oh, no!
- Witches! Witches!
- Come on, now.
witches - ведьмы
wanted - разыскивается
villagers - жители деревни
trust - доверять
tonight - сегодня ночью
thought - думал
thing - вещь
thankful - благодарный
sunday - воскресенье
space - пространство
there - там
smooth - гладкий; плавный
resistance - сопротивление
important - важный
gather - собирать
mange - чесотка
greenie - зеленый
birthday - день рождения
watch - смотреть
fiona - Фиона
waffle - вафельный
personal - личный
fight - борьба
their - их
everywhere - везде
poisonous - ядовитый
fighting - борьба
comrade - товарищ
donkey - осел
brogan - грубый башмак
could - мог
dressed - заправленный
cakes - торты
friend - друг
maybe - может быть
freedom - свобода
welcome - добро пожаловать
future - будущее
dinner - ужин
drill - дрель
missed - пропущенный
saying - поговорка
found - найденный
guess - угадай
ogres - людоеды
happy - счастливый
right - правильно
harder - сильнее
punched - перфорированный
married - в браке
others - другие
minute - минут
giblets - потроха
orientation - ориентация
party - вечеринка
delivered - доставлен
removed - удален
pitchforks - вилы
prepared - подготовленный
puppet - кукольный
everyone - все
really - действительно
kicked - ногами
remember - запомнить
reference - справка
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