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Will he kill again?
Well, if he's not stopped soon,
every indication is he will kill again.
You hear that, punk?
- Oh, no! No! No, no.
- You're a killer.
- God.
- A serial killer!
- I don't wanna be a killer.
- Too late, shit-bag.
There's no turning back.
You're a stone-cold murdering maniac.
- Told you so.
- Told me so what?
I told you, you like killing.
And now the cops, they say the same thing.
- What they saying about you, love?
- That I'm a killer.
Take me out.
Let's talk about it.
What if I am?
- Serial killer?
- Yeah!
Well, is it something that you are?
Like being brown-eyed or right-handed.
Or is it something that you choose?
Like being an accountant.
- I wish I knew.
- You can still make the choice, Jerry.
You're still a good man.
Well, I try to be a good man.
I wanna be a good man.
- Then there's the cat...
- Fuck you, blaming it on me.
Hold, hold on a second!
Look, I know what is good.
I know. I, I... I wanna lead
a righteous and just life.
I wanna be an upstanding member
of the community.
But, you know, Mr. Whiskers,
he makes me do bad things.
The cat was nowhere near
when you killed me, Jerry.
See? See? Thank you, lady-head.
Okay. First of all, not true.
Second of all,
I know right from wrong, okay?
I know it. I try to be good.
But then certain
horrible things happened
and I am filled with...
With terror and dread,
standing outside of myself.
Even though I know what I've done,
I also feel like...
Like it wasn't me.
Pretty complicated inside the human mind.
It was you that killed me, Jerry. You.
Okay, that's true,
but in a certain sense, it wasn't me.
It was a...
- You gonna say it was me?
- No, I wasn't gonna say that.
All right. Devil's advocate.
Let's say it was me, but you know that
I'm a talking cat. There's no such thing.
Everything I say is really you.
- It's true, buddy. It's all you.
- What?
Come on, Jer. You know that.
Your pets are spot-on, Jerry.
I kind of suspected that.
wrong - неправильно
whiskers - бакенбарды
turning - превращение
though - хоть
thank - спасибо
upstanding - стоячий
terror - террор
suspected - подозреваемый
still - все еще
handed - руками
gonna - собирается
filled - заполненный
killer - убийца
stopped - остановился
complicated - сложно
community - сообщество
choice - выбор
maniac - маньяк
thing - вещь
being - являющийся
certain - определенный
happened - получилось
killed - убитый
again - еще раз
nowhere - нигде
advocate - адвокат
buddy - дружище
wanna - хочу
first - первый
dread - страшиться
really - действительно
talking - говорящий
accountant - бухгалтер
about - около
serial - последовательный
blaming - обвинять
makes - марки
choose - выберите
things - вещи
brown - коричневый
human - человек
killing - убийство
indication - индикация
jerry - Джерри
standing - постоянный
something - что нибудь
inside - внутри
member - член
murdering - совершение тяжкого убийства
everything - все
every - каждый
horrible - какой ужас
myself - себя
stone - камень
sense - смысл
outside - за пределами
pretty - симпатичная
right - правильно
righteous - праведный
saying - поговорка
second - Второй
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