Film ve kitaplardan gerçek İngilizce'yi öğrenin.
Öğrenmek ve diğer öğrencilerle alıştırma için kelime veya kalıp ekleyin.
Charlotte and David are busy. They cooksare cookingcook dinner now.
Peter sometimes readsis readingread comics.
I likeslikeare liking spaghetti.
He studiesis studyingstudy for his test tonight.
We is watchingwatchare watching a horror film right now.
Are he playingIs he playingDoes he play the guitar this week?
My mother makesis makingmake breakfast today.
Look! The boys are comingcomeis coming home right now.
We tidiesdoesn't tidydon’t tidy our bedrooms on Sunday.
My friends always meetsare meetingmeet at the weekends.
What aredois you doesdodoing now?
I preferprefersam preferring this scarf
We often playplaysare playing cards in the evening, but today we playis playingare playing board games.
What doareis your favorite sport?
Her brother doesn't likelikedon't like chocolate ice - cream.
She talksare talkingis talking on the phone at the moment.
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