There's a man on the corner selling dozens of bones
Every type of bone except the one that I want
Ever think what your eyes do they're trying to sleep
But where your tongue rests, is it against your teeth
And now it's bigger than us
It's bigger than everything it decides to touch
Asleep is the safest place you could be
You can try hard to catch it, it just catches you
Imagine a camera coming up from your feet
Relax all your muscles son just hope your hearts in one piece
And now it's bigger than us
where - nerede
trying - çalışıyor
think - düşünmek
teeth - diş
would - olur
safest - en güvenli
rests - dayanır
selling - satış
place - yer
tongue - dil
piece - parça
corner - Köşe
catches - yakalar
asleep - uykuda
could - could
dozens - onlarca
relax - rahatlayın
bones - kemikler
coming - gelecek
camera - kamera
decides - karar
against - karşısında
except - dışında
touch - dokunma
catch - yakalamak
angel - melek
bigger - daha büyük
muscles - kaslar
detail - detay
devil - şeytan
sleep - uyku
imagine - hayal etmek
every - proszę uważać
wrong - Yanlış
everything - her şey
hearts - kalpler
hoped - ümit
lonely - yalnız
Çeviriyi görmek için herhangi bir kelimeye tıklayın
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