Take a long hard look at yourself
How did you end up here
The blood drips like red inverted balloons
Tomorrow is a promise to no-one
If you want, follow me and I'll lead you inside
You don't have to run and hide
Eleanor, Eleanor
I would do anything for another minute with you because
It's not getting easier, it's not getting easier
yourself - kendin
truth - hakikat
tomorrow - Yarın
windows - pencereler
second - ikinci
would - olur
understand - anlama
reflecting - yansıtan
promise - söz vermek
place - yer
people - insanlar
darkness - karanlık
doors - kapılar
stars - yıldızlar
drips - damlar
blood - kan
folding - katlama
bedroom - yatak odası
always - Her zaman
because - Çünkü
another - bir diğeri
inside - içeride
getting - alma
anything - her şey
balloons - balonlar
crying - ağlayan
easier - daha kolay
heart - kalp
happy - mutlu
inverted - ters
follow - takip et
minute - dakika
total - genel toplam
eleanor - eleanor
mirror - ayna
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