I'll be sitting on the left side, you'll be sitting on the right

Dying to share our problems, make everything alright

Then I see a darkness, you see the blinding light

Will Oldham's in the corner moaning "Can't you write your own lines"

If we don't know where we belong

It'll make no difference from where we started

write - yazmak
trying - çalışıyor
started - başladı
smiling - gülümseyen
showed - gösterdi
shine - parlaklık
share - pay
corner - Köşe
confessions - itiraflar
survive - hayatta kalmak
compliments - övgü
swear - yemin etmek
everything - her şey
comes - geliyor
conviction - mahkumiyet
dozen - düzine
corpses - cesetler
sitting - oturma
alright - peki
blinding - kör eden
think - düşünmek
light - ışık
darkness - karanlık
right - Sağ
dying - ölen
difference - fark
where - nerede
problems - sorunlar
because - Çünkü
lines - hatlar
lucky - şanslı
moaning - inilti
belong - ait
really - gerçekten mi

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